SSC & HSC Grammar লেকচার শিট এর পিডিএফ ও ওয়ার্ড ফাইল ক্রয় করতে Click here!

Suffix Prefix Exercises

1. Fill in the gaps by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words and the underline in the text.
Drugs a) ---(addict) means taking b)--- (harm) substances for having some temporary relief or c) --- (excite). Addiction to drugs is a d) --- (danger) habit that leads one to e) ---(die) and f) --- (destroy). Drugs addicition is g) ---(doubt) social curse. h) --- (frustrate) is one of the major causes of drug addiction. Being frustrated in love i)--- (marry), having a job or loss of any kind, may fake drug. Also having a bad company or j) ---(associate) is another reason for drug taking.

Answer: a) addiction; b) harmful; c) excitement; d) dangerous; e) death; f) destruction; g) undoubtedly; h) Frustration; i) marriage; j) association.

2. You should give proper a)----(attend) to your lessons. student who is b) --- (regular) in the class cannot understand the lesson c)--- (proper). Nor he/she can ask the teacher to d) --- (plan) the lesson to the class. The teacher feels disturbed because of your (e) --- (attention) and gets a bad (f) --- impress about you. This affects your (g) --- (perform) in the (h) --- (examine) and gradually your future is (i) ---(feeble) with (j) --- (dark).

Answer: a) attention; b) irregular; c) properly; d) explain; e) inattention; f) impression; g) performance; h) examination; i) feebled; j) darkness.

3. Hope means a) --- (expect). It is one of the chief supports of life b) --- (part) from bread, we live upon hope. We c) --- (ways) hope that something good is (waiting) for us. It is hope that gives us (d) --- (comfort), f)--- (strong) , vigour and g) --- (persevere). It gives stimulus to work. The present would be h) --- (tolerable) if we have no hope for a bright future. It is hope that keeps life i) ---(float) on the sea of the world. It cheers the mind and keeps our spirit in j) --- (stress). We always hope for better things. There is no end of hope. Where there is life, there is hope.

Answer: a) expectation; b) apart; c) always; d) awaiting; e) comfortable; f) strength; g) perseverance; h) intolerable; i) floating; j) stress-free

4. Discipline is essential in every sphere of our life. It breaks down a)---(discipline). Student should form the habit of b)---(obey) c) ---(disobey) brings about chaos that results in d)---(fail) e) --- (down) every where. Students should be f) ---(courage) to gain g) --- (prosper) in life. A family can not have a h) ---(peace) environment without discipline. i) --- (similar), a country can not attain j) ---(develop) without it.

Answer: a) indiscipline; b) obedience; c) Disobedience; d) failure; e) downfall; f) courageous; g) prosperity; h) peaceful; i) Similarly; j) development.

5. Man wants to gain (a)---(popular) in b)---(differ) ways. But (c)---(honest) ways can't d) ---(popular) a man. (e)---(Power) people can have honour. But this honour will not last long if f) ---(behave) is not good. When common people are hurt by g)---(behave), they do not express their feeling in front of them. But they make a (h)---(hate) conception about him. (i)---(Ultimate) he loses his dignity as a man. Nothing can be more (j)---(fortunate) for a man if he is devoid of dignity.

Answer: a) popularity; b) different; c) dishonest; d) popularize; e) Powerful; f) behaviour; g) behaviour; h) hateful; i) Ultimately; j) unfortunate.
Suffix prefix exercise with answer
6. We are proud to be a)---(Bangladesh). We are proud of our b)---(free) fighters. They are the c)---(hero) sons of the soil. Their contribution for achieving an d)--(depend) country will never be forgotten. The e)--(inspire) of the common people helped them to sacrifice best for the nation. Their sacrifice is f)--(great) than any other thing. But it is quite g)--(fortunate) that many of our h)---(liberate) war victims lead a very measurable life. Our i)--- (govern) should take proper j)---(initiate) to improve their condition.

Answer: a) Bangladeshi; b) freedom; c) heroic; d) independent; e) inspiration; f) greater; g) unfortunate; h) liberation; i) government; j) initiative.

Suffix Prefix exercise with answer

7. For getting rapid a)---(advance) in a country it should be developed b)---(science). Again a c)---(develop) country also may be developed if it can be developed d)---(industry). On the other hand a country e)---(depend) on agriculture can be developed developing f)--- (agriculture). Again g)---(fish) is another sector through which an h)---(develop) country goes a long. As we have all the i)---(possible) we can be developed more rapidly making their proper j)---(utilize).

Answer: a) advancement; b) scientifically; c) developing; d) industrially: e) dependent; f) agriculturally; g) fishery; h) undeveloped; i) possibilities; j) utilization.

8. Sports can give us a)---(please) and b)---(entertain). Cricket and Football have c)--- (popular) in our country. The people of our country d)---(joy) the T-20 match most. I watched e)---(most) all the T-20 matches of the last tournament. Today I am totally f) ---(appointed). Yesterday, there was an incident of g)---(fortune) in my life. h)---(Fortune) I missed the last T-20 match between Bangladesh and West Indies. The match was very much i)---(complete) and j)--- thrill).

Answer: a) pleasure; b) entertainment; c) popularity; d) enjoy; e) mostly; f) disappointed; g) misfortune; h) Unfortunately; i) competitive; j) thrilling

9. In the past people did not have developed (a) – (communicate) facilities. They used to make (b) – (move) to short distant places on foot. Nowadays, they go by rickshaw, taxi or by other kinds of (c) – (motor) vehicles. As a result, they do not undergo physical (d)--- (exert) which is good for health. The ultimate result is that many a man is now getting diabetics. The (e)--- (suggest) is that we should form the habit of walking. Walking (f)--- (able) us to (g)---(joy) the beauty of nature. It also helps us have physical (h)--- (fit). But some people are (i)--- (different) walking. They give (j)--- (prefer) to vehicles.

Answer: a) communication; b) movement; c) motorized; d) exertion; e) suggestion; f) enables; g) enjoy; h) fitness; i) indifferent; j) preference.

10. Good marks in the examination are (a)--- (obtain) if your answer is to the point. (b)--- (Relevant) answers may not carry any mark. Good hand writing is a factor. (c)---(legible) answers will create a bad (d)---(impress) about your (e)---(perform). As (f)---(examine) do not award good marks to (g)--- (proper) answers. You must be very (h)--- (care) about writing answers to the questions. Besides (i)---(revise) of answers is also important. All these things will (j)--- (sure) you a good result.

Answer: a) obtained; b) Irrelevant; c) Illegible; d) impression; e) performance; f) examiner; g) improper; h) careful; i) revision; j) ensure.

11. It is the responsibility of human beings to prevent the environment from being spoilt. To make life a)---(health) and b)---(comfort), we should keep the environment clean and danger free. But often people spoil the environment by doing c)--- (wise) things and consequently d) ---(danger) their won lives. It is the ecological e)--- (balance) that causes changes in the world's climate and brings about different kinds of natural disasters. Man is really f)--- (help) to these g)--- (destruct) disasters. However, h) --- (plant) can play an i)--- (effect) role to preserve the balance of nature. Trees keep the world j)--- (suit) for us by inhaling carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen. 

Answer: a) healthy; b) comfortable; c) unwise; d) endanger; e) imbalance; f) helpless; g) destructive; h) plants/plantation; i) effective; j) suitable.

12. a)--- (Friend) is a strong b)---(bond). It doesn't know the c)--- (differ) between religions, between countries, between the rich and the poor, between the black and the white and so on. It is an d)--- (emotion) attachment based on mutual trust and understanding. In that sense, a friend is both e)---(rely) and f)---(believe) who is ready to help us in any g)---(danger) situation. Therefore the person who does not have a good friend is really h)--- (fortune). He is (i)--- (total) deprived of enjoying the j)--- (please) of friendship.

Answer: a) Friendship; b) bonding; c) difference; d) emotional; e) reliable; f) believable; g) dangerous; h) unfortunate; i) totally; j) pleasure.

13. The freedom fighters are the heroic sons of our land. They fought to save our (a) --- (gold) Bangla in 1971. We have got the (b)--- (dependent) of our (c)--- (love) (d)--- (land) by their supreme (e)--- (dedicate). Some of the (f)--- (free) fighters are yet (g)--- (live). Most of the freedom (h)--- (fight) are now (i)--- (actual) above 70 years old. (j)--- (True), we are very (k)--- (luck) to see them (l)--- (direct). As they are our (m)--- (hero) sons, we should respect them (n)--- (profound).

Answer: a) golden; b) independence; c) beloved; d) motherland; e) dedication; f) freedom; g) alive; h) fighters; i) actually; j) Truly; k) lucky; l) directly; m) herioc; n) profoundly

14.  Newspaper plays a very important role in modern (a)--- (civilize). It publishes news and views of home and (b)--- (broad). Only (c)--- (book) knowledge is not enough in this (d)--- (compete) world. A newspaper helps him (e)--- (rich) his general knowledge. But newspaper have (f)--- (merits) too. They have (g)--- (partial) and often (h)--- (guide) their (i)--- (read). This creates (j)--- (rest) in the society. What is its solution?

Answer: a) civilization; b) abroad; c) bookish; d) competitive; e) enrich; f) demerits; g) impartial; h) misguide; i) readers; j) unrest

15. Macbeth is Shakespeare's (a) --- (short) tragedy which tells the story of a brave (b) --- (scot) general. His name is Macbeth who receives a (c) --- (prophet) from a trio of witches . It reveals that he will (d) --- (come) the king of Scotland. He is consumed by ambition and spurred to (e) --- (act) by his (f) --- (ambitious) wife, Lady Macbeth. Out of (g) --- (desperate), he kills king Duncan and takes the (h) --- (king) from him. He soon becomes an (i) --- (autocrat) (j) --- (rule) and takes (k) --- (decide) to commit more and more (l) --- (kill) for his (m) --- (protect) from doubt and (n) --- (confuse).

Answer: (a) shortest; (b) Scottish; (c) prophecy; (d) become; (e) react; (f) over-ambitious; (g) desperation; (h) kingdom; (i) autocratic; (j) ruler; (k) decision; (l) killing; (m) protection; (n) confusion.
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