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Synonym exercise with usage

1. Abandon (vt)

(i) to leave a place, thing or person forever
(ii) to stop doing an activity before you have finished
(iii) if you abandon an idea or way of thinking, you stop having that idea of thinking in that way. 

Derivatives ⸻ Abandoned (adj); abandonment (n)

(i) By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been.
(ii) They had to abandon their attempt to climb the mountain.
(iii) The abandonment of the island followed nuclear tests in the area.

Abandon (Synonyms) ⸻ desert, relinquish, discard, give up, forsake, quit, reject, renounce, abdicate, shun, forgo

2. Abate (vt/vi)

(i) to become less strong.
(ii) if something bad or undesirade abates it becomes much less strong or severe.
(iii) abatement means a reduction in the strength or power of something or the reduction of it.

Derivatives ⸻ Abatement (n)

(i) The storm has started to abate.
(ii) The fighting in the area shows no sign of abating.
(iii) It was not an environment conducive to the abatement of his hypochondria.

Abate (Synonyms) ⸻ subside, allay, relieve, diminish, soothe, lessen, dwindle, reduce, decrease, mitigate, decline, appease, assuage, alleviate

3. Abdicate (vt/vi)

(i) if a king or queen abdicates, he or she gives up being king or queen.
(ii) if someone abdicates responsibility for something, he refuses to accept responsibility for it any longer.

Derivatives ⸻ Abdication (n)

(i) Ava was accused of abdicating all responsibility for the project.
(ii) Many parents simply abdicate all responsibility for their children.
(iii) There had been complete abdication of responsibility.

Abdicate (Synonyms) ⸻ give up; relinquish; renounce; abandon; quit; repudiate; shirk; resign.
Synonym exercise
4. Abhor (vt)

(i) to hate a way of behaving or thinking; often because you think it is immoral.
(ii) if you abhor sth, you hate it very much, especially for moral reasons.

Derivatives ⸻ Abhorrence (n); Abhorrent (adj)

(i) Arina abhors all forms of racism.
(ii) Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
(iii) She has an abhorrence of change. ABOLISH (iv) Discrimination of any sort is abhorrent to a civilized society.

Abhor (Synonyms) ⸻ detest; loathe; hate; despise; dislike; abominate; execrate; Criticise; disdain; belittle

5. Abhorrent (adj)

(i) morally very bad.
(ii) if something is abhorrent to someone, he hates it very much or considers it completely unacceptable.
(iii) If you abhor something, you hate it very much, especially for moral reasons.

Derivatives ⸻ Abhor (vt); abhorrence (n)

(i) She looked at him in abhorrence.
(ii) There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent.
(iii) He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation. = pro 

Abhorrent (Synonyms) ⸻ loathsome; detestable; abominable; hateful; repugnant; odious.

6. Abject (adj)

(i) when someone is extremely unhappy, poor, frightened, etc. showing no pride or respect for yourself.
(ii) Abject is to emphasize that a situation or quality is extremely bad.
(iii) If you describe sb as abject, you think he has no courage or respect for himself.

Derivatives ⸻ Abjectly (adv); abjection (n)

(i) They live in abject poverty.
(ii) Both have failed abjectly.
(iii) She made an abject apology to her boss. 

Abject (Synonyms) ⸻ miserable; pitiful; pitiable; pathetic; wretched.

7. Abolish (vt)

(i) to end an activity or custom officially, if someone in authority abolishes a system or practice, he formally put an end to it.
(ii) Abolition means formal ending of something. 

Derivatives ⸻ Abolition (n); Abolitionist (n)

(i) The whole system should be abolished.
(ii) The abolition of slavery in Brazil closely followed the pattern of the United States.
(iii) As long as most people are happy to have the monarchy, the abolitionist position is an arrogant fantasy.

Abolish (Synonyms) ⸻ cancel; annul; nullify; abrogate; revoke; rescind; repeal, terminate, eliminate, exterminate.

Abolish (Antonyms) ⸻ fabricate, forge, rear, erect, retain, reserve, preserve, save, conserve, withhold, maintain, protect, keep.

8. Abortive (adj)

(i) describes an attempt or plan that you have to give up because it has failed.
(ii) An abortive attempt or action is unsuccessful.

Derivatives ⸻ Abortively (adj); Abortion (n); Abort (vt/vi); Abortionist (n)

(i) She decided to have an abortion.
(ii) He made several abortive attempts to attract her.
(iii) A military guard was injured in the aborted coup

Abortive (Synonyms) ⸻ unsuccessful; futile; vain, useless; fruitless; ineffectual.

Abortive (Antonyms)⸻ successful; fruitful; triumphant; victorious; effectual; useful; effective; efficacious.

9. Abridge (vt)

i. to make a book, play or piece of writing shorter by removing details and unimportant information.
ii. An abridged book or play has been made shorter by removing some parts of it.

Derivatives ⸻ Abridgement (n); Abridged (adj)

(i) The abridged edition was published in 1988. (ii) The teacher assigned an abridged version of Tristram Shandy to her class, as the original was very long.

Abridge (Synonyms) ⸻ condense; shorten; curtail; contract; lessen; reduce; diminish; abbreviate, compress.

Abridge (Antonyms) ⸻ increase; expand; enlarge; amplify; augment; magnify; dilate; distend; prolong; extend; broaden; widen.

10. Abrogate (vt)

(i) to end a law, agreement or custom formally. (ii) If sb in a position of authority abrogates sth such as a law, agreement, or practice, he puts an end to it.

Derivatives ⸻ Abrogation (n)

(i) The treaty was abrogated in 1929.
(ii) Both governments voted for the abrogation of the treaty.

Abrogate (Synonyms) ⸻ Annul; abolish; repeal; revoke; nullify; cancel; rescind; countermand.

Abrogate (Antonyms) ⸻ enact; ordain; establish; legislate; ratify; sanction; authorize

11. Abrupt (adjective)

(i) describes something that is sudden and unexpected and often unpleasant.
(ii) Sb who is abnupt speaks in a rather rude, unfriendly way.

Derivatives ⸻ Abruptly (adv); Abruptness (n)

(i) The talks ended abruptly when one of the delegations walked out in protest.
(ii) His abnupt departure is bound to raise questions.
(iii) I think Smith was hurt by your abruptness this afternoon.

Abrupt (Synonyms) ⸻ sudden; casual; fortuitous; accidental; unanticipated; unexpected. 

Abrupt (Antonyms) ⸻ gradual; deliberate; regular; steady; normal; usual; customary. 

12. Absolutely (adverb)
(i) totally and completely.
(ii) Some people say absolutely as an emphatic way of saying yes or of agreeing with someone. 

Derivatives ⸻ Absolute (adj)

(i) There was no absolute proof of fraud.
(ii) Amelia is absolutely right.
(iii) He has absolutely no experience of marketing.
(iv) Parents used to have absolute power over their children.

Absolutely (Synonyms) ⸻ completely; entirely; totally; wholly; fully, thoroughly; altogether; quite.

Absolutely (Antonyms) ⸻ partially; partly, in part; to some extent; somewhat; moderately. 

13. Absolve (adjective)
(i) to free someone from guilt, blame or responsibility for something.
(ii) If a report or investigation absolves someone from blame or responsibility, it formally states that he or she is not guilty or is not to blame. 

Derivatives ⸻ Absolution (n)

(i) The report absolved her from all blame for the accident.
(ii) Anna was granted absolution.
(iii) The programme was critical of the judicial inquiry which absolved the soldiers.

Absolve (Synonyms) ⸻ forgive; pardon; condone; exonerate; remit; acquit; excuse; exculpate; release; liberate; free.

Absolve (Antonyms)⸻ convict; condemn; find guilty; damn; doom.

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