Completing story the cunning fox and the foolish crocodile

Once a crocodile wanted her eight children to be educated. So she went to a fox and asked him if he could teach her children. The crocodile had a good faith on the fox. The cunning fox gladly received the offer. So the crocodile left all her children with the fox and went back to the river. The fox liked to eat crocodile's kids. So he ate one of them and kept the others seven .......

The fox and the crocodile Story

Once a crocodile wanted her eight children to be educated. So she went to a fox and asked him if he could teach her children. The crocodile had a good faith on the fox. The cunning fox gladly received the offer.
completing story the cunning fox and the foolish crocodile
So the crocodile left all her children with the fox and went back to the river. The fox liked to eat crocodile's kids. So he ate one of them and kept the others seven. After some days, the crocodile came to see her children.

Then the cunning fox showed her the seven kids and showed one of them twice. The foolish crocodile thought that she saw all eight of her children and went away. After some days the fox ate another baby crocodile.

When the mother crocodile again came to see her children, the fox showed her six crocodiles and showed one of them twice. The mother thought that she had seen all eight of children and she went away happily.

At last when the mother. crocodile came, the fox showed her the only one baby left eight times. The crocodile could not understand the trick.

But when the crocodile came again after some days the fox was not able to show any of the babies because he had already eaten up the last one. The crocodile could understand the cunning trick of the fox. She got furious, jumped on the fox and ate him up.
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