Tag questions exercise for SSC
1. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Economics is my favourite subject, isn't it?
(b) He put the book on the table, didn't he?
(c) You will buy a shirt, won't you?
(d) The girl can please us all, can't she?
(e) Nobody believes a liar, do they?
2. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Sinners suffer in the long run, don't they?
(b) Let’s have a walk, shall we?
(c) He had to go abroad for treatment, hadn't he?
(d) You dare not drive at night, dare you?
(e) I am your well-wisher, aren't I?
3. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Mr Brown teaches us English, doesn't he?
(b) You need not go to the field, need you?
(c) Kindly do me a favour, will you?
(d) Nobody went there, did they?
(e) There is no king in China, is there?
Also Read: Tag question all board questions with answer
4. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Nobody should escape from his duty, should they?
(b) Let's overcome this crisis, shall we?
(c) Anything may happen in this time, mayn't it? (d) What a miserable situation! isn't it?
(e) We seldom want war, do we?
(f) Take care of your health, will you?
(g) Neither of the boys attended the party, did they?
5. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Illiteracy is a curse, isn't it?
(b) Nothing is so harmful as it for our national life, is it?
(c) The illiterate hardly realize this truth, do they?
(d) It is illiteracy which hampers all the development programmes, isn't it?
(e) Not only the government but also the educated should try to remove illiteracy, shouldn't they?
(f) Students can also play a role in removing illiteracy, can't they?
(g) They can't avoid this responsibility, can they?
6. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) You, he and I did the work, didn't we?
(b) The girl in her pleased us all, didn't it?
(c) I along with my sister visited my aunt, didn't I?
(d) The guide was not a woman, was he?
(e) There's been an accident, hasn't there?
(f) They scored twice in the first half, didn't they?
(g) She has a nice car, doesn't she?/ hasn't she?
7. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Everyone wants friends, don't they?
(b) Having a true friend is difficult, isn't it?
(c) A true friend can hardly escape us, can he?
(d) A good book may be a good friend, mayn't it?
(e) None of us can live without friends, can we?
(f) So, we should select a friend very carefully, shouldn't we?
(g) They won't leave us in danger, will they?
8. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Prosperity seldom comes unwanted, does it? (b) Those who daren't take risk can't prosper, can they?
(c) Few people lead a happy life, do they?
(d) What we need most to be happy is contentment, isn't it?
(e) Let me predict the possibilities, will you?
(f) Try to be contented with what you have, will you?
(g) Otherwise, the possibilities of prosperity won't be high, will it?
9. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) The brother rose in him, didn't it?
(b) Let's make a peaceful and happy society, shall we?
(c) Let them do the work, will you?
(d) Success cannot be achieved without efforts, can it?
(e) Some of us are known as good persons in the society, aren't we?
(f) There are some people who think only about money. aren't there?
(g) Come here, will you?
10. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) The secretary and chairman of the party remained sitting, didn't he?
(b) The girl in her pleased us all, didn't it?
(c) He has little idea what will happen today, has he?
(d) Few politicians are honest, are they?
(e) Fatima not her friends has done the work, hasn't she?
(f).You shouldn't be here at this time, should you?
(g) How beautiful the sky is, isn't it?
Tag question exercise with answer
11. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Everybody hankers after money, don't they? (b) But money is not as valuable as morality, is it?
(c) Let us always keep this truth in mind, shall we?
(d) A man who earns little can certainly be a happy man, can't he?
(e) So, we should never have greed for money, should we?
(f) Money brings about destruction, doesn't it?
(g) Nothing but morality earns respect, doesn't it?
12. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) The importance of computer can hardly be described, can it?
(b) At present everyone needs it, don't they?
(c) We all should learn it as it is important, shouldn't we?
(d) The advantages we are getting from a computer are simply miraculous, aren't they?
(e) The most complicated tasks can be done with the help of computer, can't they?
(f) So, computer education has been made compulsory in school & college, hasn't it?
(g) They are receiving training on computing with great interest, aren't they?
13. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) ‘He’ is a pronoun, isn't it?
(b) The unfed should be fed, shouldn't they?
(c) It is I who am to blame, aren't I?
(d) It seldom rains in winter, does it?
(e) The mother rose in her, didn't it?
(f) She has a daughter who likes sweets very much, hasn't he?
(g) What an idea, isn't it?
14. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) I think he is honest, isn't he?
(b) It is she who has broken the glass, hasn't she?
(c) Happy New year, don't I?
(d) Let them come here, will you?
(e) ‘I’ is a pronoun, isn't it?
(f) I would like to have a cup of tea, wouldn't I?
(g) We needn't do the job, need we?
15. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Allah is second to none, is He?
(b) Ratul and not his brothers had done it, hadn't he?
(c) Let's motivate children, shall we?
(d) Motivation seldom goes in vain, does it?
(e) The jury took an unanimous decision, didn't they?
(f) The criminal fled the scene, didn't he?
(g) May you live long, mayn't you?
16. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Let's visit the forest today, shall we?
(b) Everything moves rightly in the world, doesn't it?
(c) In fact, nobody is happy in the world, are they?
(d) Though Tarek works hard, he cannot succeed in life, can he?
(e) I'd talked to him cordially, hadn't I?
(f) I don't really like that place, do I?
(g) It is you who belongs to this place, don't you?
17. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) The jury gave the same opinion about the matter, didn't they?
(b) I might have helped the poor, mightn't I?
(c) One man's mat is another man's poison, isn't it?
(d) It is you who did the work, didn't you?
(e) The little girl knew little about the matter, does she?
(f) Everybody is joyous, aren't they?
(g) The view vanished as soon as the sun appeared, didn't it?
18. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Sorry, aren't I?
(b) An empty vessel sounds much, doesn't it?
(c) Long live our motherland, mayn't she?
(d) If you come, I may go, mayn't I?
(e) That he is honest is known to all, isn't it?
19. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) It is an enjoyable evening, isn't it?
(b) Yes, it is. Let's go out for a walk, shall we?
(c) That's a nice idea. We can enjoy a walk outside, can't we?
(d) The air is also cool and soothing, isn't it?
(e) Right. And the queen moon is shining brightly in the sky, isn't she?
20. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Nobody can ignore his lot, can they?
(b) I am too weak to go, aren't I?
(c) Let us do the work, shall we?
(d) Happy birthday to you, don't I?
(e) Birds fly in the sky, don't they?
Important tag question for SSC
21. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Money is a must for our life, isn't it?
(b) One can do almost noting without it, can they?
(c) But money can hardly bring happiness, can it?
(d) What you need most to be happy is contentment, isn't it?
(e) That's why, few people lead a happy life, do they?
22. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) He knows little about the matter, does he?
(b) Let them do the work now, will you?
(c) Begum Rokeya spread education for women folk, didn't she?
(d) He'd be happy hearing the news, wouldn't he?
(e) Nobody was present there, were they?
23. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Nobody dislikes flowers, do they?
(b) She narrowly escaped from death, didn't she?
(c) Happy New Year, don't I?
(d) The coward in her surprised us, didn't it?
(e) Those who are honest hardly suffer, do they?
24. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Sami and not his friends has done it, hasn't he?
(b) Allah is second to none, isn't He?
(c) The unfed ought to be fed, oughtn't they?
(d) I think that he will come, won't he?
(e) None of us can do it, can we?
25. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) She as well as her sisters sang well, didn't they?
(b) We ought to finish the exercise soon, oughtn't we?
(c) Many a man will come, won't he?
(d) The headmaster and secretary approved this, didn't he?
(e) He and not his brother did it, didn't he?
26. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue in a man's life, isn't it?
(b) The unfed ought to be fed, oughtn't they?
(c) Please join us, don't you?
(d) The mother in her rose, didn't it?
(e) None comes to help him, do they?
27. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) "I" is a word, isn't it?
(b) Bangladesh played well against India, didn't they?
(c) Allah is all in all, isn't He?
(d) If you were an examiner, you could do the same, couldn't you?
(e) My father rarely comes here, does he?
28. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Sorry, aren't I?
(b) An empty vessel sounds much, doesn't it?
(c) Long live our motherland, mayn't she?
(d) If you come, I may go, mayn't I?
(e) That he is honest is known to all, isn't it?
29. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) What is lotted cannot be blotted, can't it?
(b) Disgusting, isn't it?
(c) 'I' is a vowel, isn't it?
(d) I am too weak to go, aren't I?
(e) He put out the lame, didn't he?
30. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Life is full of struggles, isn't it?
(b) We are to overcome them if we want to succeed in life, aren't we?
(c) So, we should face them with courage, shouldn't we?
(d) We may fail at first, mayn't we?
(e) But we must not lose heart, must we?
Tag question exercise for ssc with answer
31. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) I am late, aren't I?
(b) Eat some bread and omelet, will you?
(c) It's hardly rained in winter, has it?
(d) Nobody phoned, did they?
(e) You used to like him, didn't you?
(f) Half of the mangoes have been stolen, haven't they?
(g) It is Kamal who has broken the glass, hasn't he?
32. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) Hello. Rita. You are going to the library, aren't you?
(b) You can be called a book worm, can't you?
(c) I am fond of reading, aren't I?
(c) You do not like anything more than books, do you?
(d) That's right. Books are the living spirits of great men, aren't they?
(e) If we read book regularly, we can enrich our knowledge, can't we?
(f) No other habit is so good as reading book, is it?
g) Bangladesh is our motherland, isn't she?
33. Make tag questions of these statements.
(a) We needed a change in thoughts, didn't we?
(b) Let us make them realize it, shall we?
(c) Every mother loves her child, don't they?
(d) Don't forget me, will you?
(e) The police arrested him, didn't they?
(f) The mother rose in her, didn't it?
(g) None can avoid death, can they?
34. Make tag questions of the following statements:
a) No pains, no gains, isn't it?
b) Somebody agreed, didn't they?
c) It's a wrong theory, isn't it?
d) Few politicians are really good, are they?
e) He has few reasons for straying, has he?
f) Man hardly believes a liar, does he?
35. Make tag questions of the following statements:
a) Our deeds and actions show probably we will never depart, don't they?
b) Messi, don't you?
c) Barking dogs seldom bite, do they?
d) None can avoid death, can they?
e) To talk less is good, isn't it?
Exercise on Tag questions
36. Make tag questions of the following statements:
a) I have a little money now, haven't I?
b) I have little money now, have I?
c) I need a little time to talk to you now, don't I?
d) I have a little money this month, haven't I?
e) There's very little we can do now, isn't there?
37. Make tag questions of the following statements:
a) One should do one’s duty, shouldn’t they?
b) The girl in her will surprise you, won’t it?
c) That he is honest is known to all, isn’t it?
d) The tree has borne fruits, hasn’t it?
e) The girl in her pleased us all, didn’t she?
38. Make tag questions of the following statements:
a) Many a rose is born to blush unseen, aren’t they?
b) The prime minister with all the members of the cabinet went to the U.K, didn’t they?
c) It‘s hardly rained at all this summer, has it?
d) Your honesty charmed us, didn’t it?
e) A lie never lies hidden for long, does it?
39. Make tag questions of the following statements:
a) The moon shines at night, isn’t it/she?
b) Everybody loves flower, don’t they?
c) Nothing can satisfy him, can it?
d) He has few reasons for waiting, hasn’t he?
e) That was my pen, wasn’t it?
40. Make tag questions of the following statements:
a. He was angry, wasn't he?
b. She’s Italian, isn't she?
c. They live in London, don't they?
d. We’re working tomorrow, aren't we?
e. It's cold yesterday, wasn't it?
Important tag question exercise SSC exam 2025
1. Sorry, aren't I?
2. The freedom fighters are the real heroes, aren't they?
3. Nothing is greater than their sacrifice, is it?
4. Their contribution for our country will always be remembered, won't it ?
5. We should never neglect them, should we?
6. Every citizen of Bangladesh must have due respect for them, mustn't they?
7. Telling lies is a great sin, isn't it?
8. One lie begets hundred lies, doesn't it?
9. Man hardly believes a liar, do they?
9. Man hardly believes a liar, do they?
10. A liar has to lead a miserable life, hasn't he/doesn't he?
11. So, all of us ought to refrain from telling lies, oughtn't we?
11. So, all of us ought to refrain from telling lies, oughtn't we?
12. Most of the students who fail in English don't have strong foundation over grammar, do they?
13. They read only to pass the examination, don't they?
14. Teachers should motivate them to learn the basic thing, shouldn't they?
15. They can't help learning grammar, can they?
16. Moreover, practice is essential too, isn't it?
14. Teachers should motivate them to learn the basic thing, shouldn't they?
15. They can't help learning grammar, can they?
16. Moreover, practice is essential too, isn't it?
17. Mina is having a birthday party in the afternoon, isn't she?
18. Yes, she is. She's been busy in cleaning and dusting the drawing room, hasn't she?
19. Yesterday her father brought her a lovely dress, didn't he?
20. And her mother wants to give her a pleasant surprise, doesn't she?
21. Certainly, let's buy a nice gift for you, shall we?
19. Yesterday her father brought her a lovely dress, didn't he?
20. And her mother wants to give her a pleasant surprise, doesn't she?
21. Certainly, let's buy a nice gift for you, shall we?
22. Time and tide wait for none, do they?
23. Unfortunately, many of us waste our time, don't we?
24. None can prosper in life without utilizing time properly, can they?
25. So, everybody should realize this truth, shouldn't they?
26. Let's make the best use of time, shall we?
25. So, everybody should realize this truth, shouldn't they?
26. Let's make the best use of time, shall we?
27. None is none under the sun, are they?
28. It is an enjoyable evening, isn't it?
little jodi thake tahole toh not boshe nah!
If there is an article before “Little”, then use “not”