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Tag Question All Board Questions Exercise

Tag Question All Board Questions Exercise 2020

1. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dhaka Board 2020; Jashore Board-2009]
(a) Let's have a walk outside the farm, shall we?
(b) I am in the habit of walking every morning, aren't I?
(c) Morning entertains us with fresh air, doesn't it?
(d) No one should miss the opportunity, should they?
(e) Have a try to form this habit of morning walk, will you?

Also read: Tag questions exercise all board exam 2023

Also read: Tag question all board question with answer 2024 

2. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Rajshahi Board-2020]
(a) You surely fail if you fail to plan, don't you?
(b) A good plan scarcely lets you fail, doesn't it?
(c) Great people could do nothing without a plan of action, could they?
(d) Future also dare not fail a well-planned effort, dare it?
(e) So, plan before proceed, will you?

3. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2020, Dinajpur Board-2020, Jashore Board-2017]
(a) The freedom fighters are the real heroes, aren't they?
(b) Nothing is greater than their sacrifice, is it?
(c) Their contribution to our country will always be remembered, won't it?
(d) We should never neglect them, should we?
(e) Every citizen of Bangladesh must have due respect for them, mustn't they?

4. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Jashore Board-2020]
(a) Everybody respects freedom fighters, don't they?
(b) They fought for the independence of our country, didn't they?
(c) Their sacrifice has given us freedom in every sphere of life, hasn't it?
(d) Their names are written in golden letters, aren't they?
(e) We should never forget them, should we?

5. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board-2020]
(a) Everyone is nostalgic in life, aren't they?
(b) We hardly forget the golden past, do we?
(c) The memories of childhood are colourful, aren't they?
(d) The sweetest memory of childhood is always haunting us, isn't it?
(e) Who forgets these memories, do they?

6. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2020]
(a) Optimism is a great quality, isn't it?
(b) Everybody believes this truth, don't they?
(c) But all can’t be optimistic, can they?
(d) None but the optimists are accepted by all, are they?
(e) So, we all should be optimistic about life, shouldn't we?

7. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Chattogram Board-2020]
(a) None of us can solve this problem, can we?
(b) There is little water in the glass, is there?
(c) One cannot deny this proposal, can they?
(d) You need to see a doctor, needn't you?
(e) Nothing was said, was it?

8. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Mymensingh Board-2020]
(a) Nothing is more pleasant than the memories of childhood, is it?
(b) We hardly forget the golden past, do we?
(c) The memories of my childhood still attract me, don't they?
(d) Simple things are at the centre of attraction for a child, aren't they?
(e) When a man grows up, he may laugh at those things, mayn't he?
Tag Question All Board Questions Exercise

Tag Question All Board Questions 2019

1. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dhaka Board-2019]
(a) I am an SSC examinee, aren't I?
(b) My expectation is getting A+, isn't it?
(c) Some of my classmates became addicted to using mobile phones, didn't they?
(d) They could not pass the test exam, could they?
(e) Everybody hates them for this reason, don't they?

2. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Rajshahi Board-2019]
(a) Cutting trees is not good for us, is it?
(b) Because trees supply us oxygen, fruits and wood, don't they?
(c) We can hardly live without them, can we?
(d) They are our best friends, aren't they?
(e) Let’s plant trees more and more, shall we?

3. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2019]
(a) Sincerity is a great virtue. A sincere man always succeeds in life, doesn't he?
(b) The people who are insincere can hardly succeed, are they?
(c) Nobody is as successful as a sincere man, are they?
(d) Every student should be sincere to shine in life, shouldn't they?
(e) Let’s be sincere in our life, shall we?

4. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Jashore Board-2019]
(a) You had better drink cold water, hadn't you?
(b) The father rose in him at this sight, didn't it?
(c) Thank you very much, don't I?
(d) He as well as his brother comes here, doesn't he?
(e) Let us go home, shall we?

5. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board 2019; Dhaka Board- 2017; Rajshahi Board-2016; Chattogram Board- 2012]
a) Telling lies is a great sin, isn't it?
b) One lie begets a hundred lies, doesn't it?
c) Man hardly believes a liar, does he?
d) A liar has to lead a miserable life, hasn't he/doesn't he?
e) So, all of us ought to refrain from telling lies, oughtn't we?

6. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2019]
(a) To tell a lie is a great sin. Sinners suffer in the long run, don't they?
(b) Flowers are the symbol of beauty and purity. Nobody dislikes flowers, do they?
(c) I want to meet her. She hardly comes here, does she?
(d) Vitamins are essential for our health. So, we must eat vegetables to get vitamins, mustn't we?
(e) Truthfulness is a great virtue. So, don’t tell a lie, will you?

7. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Chattogram Board-2019,2017]
a) Fishes can swim, can't they?
b) Once our rivers abounded with fish, didn't they?
c) But at present the water of most of the rivers has been polluted, hasn't it?
d) So, there is scarcity of fish, isn't there?
e) We must take measures to protect the rivers from being polluted, mustn't we?

8. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dinajpur Board-2019]
(a) Our examination is over. Everybody is free now, aren't they?
(b) He along with his friends will pay a visit to Sylhet, won't he?
(c) But Aslam has little interest in it, has he?  
(d) He as well as his parents visited Sylhet last year, didn't he?  
(e) As they visited many interesting places, they could enjoy a lot, couldn't they?

Tag Question All Board Questions 2018

1. Make tag questions of the following statements: [All Board-2018]
a) At present, everybody likes cricket, don't they?
b) Students hardly miss watching this game, do they?
c) Nothing is more enjoyable to them than cricket, is it?
d) How exciting the game is! isn't it?
e) Let's play this game, shall we?

Tag Question All Board Questions 2017

1. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Rajshahi Board-2017]
a) Patriotism is a great virtue, isn't it?
b) Every religion teaches us the patriot, don't they?
c) We all must remember that the country is above everything, isn't it?
d) Why some people forget it is really a question, isn't it?
e) We hope that nobody will derail from the right path, will they?

2. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2017, Dhaka Board-2015]
(a) Most of the students who fail in English don't have strong foundation over grammar, do they?
(b) They read only to pass the examination, don't they?
(c) Teachers should motivate them to learn the basic thing, shouldn't they?
(d) They can't help learning grammar, can they?
(e) Moreover, practice is essential too, isn't it?

3. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board 2017; Chattogram Board-2015]
(a) Mina is having a birthday party in the afternoon, isn't she?
(b) Yes, she is. She's been busy in cleaning and dusting the drawing room, hasn't she?
(c) Yesterday her father brought her a lovely dress, didn't he?
(d) And her mother wants to give her a pleasant surprise, doesn't she?
(e) Certainly, let's buy a nice gift for you, shall we?

4. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2017]
a) Man is the best creature of God, isn't he?
b) But sometimes the beast in us comes out, doesn't it?
c) Some of us are known as good persons in the society, aren't we?
d) Those who are involved to do harm to others should avoid it, shouldn't they?
e) Let's make a peaceful and happy society, shall we?

5. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dinajpur Board-2017; Cumilla Board-2011]
a) Time and tide wait for none, do they?
b) Unfortunately, many of us waste our time, don't we?
c) None can prosper in life without utilizing time properly, can they?
d) So, everybody should realize this truth, shouldn't they?
e) Let's make the best use of time, shall we?

Tag Question All Board Questions 2016

1. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dhaka Board-2016] 
a) Success cannot be achieved without effort, can it?
b) Everybody knows it, don't they?
c) The successful people are very industrious, aren't they?
d) Everything glorious is gained through hard labour, isn't it?
e) So, industry is the key to success, isn't it?

2. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2016] 
a) I need a pen, don't I?
b) I must write a letter to my friend, mustn't I?
c) I have not written any letter to him for a long time, have I?
d) As we are friends, I think we should keep in touch, shouldn't we?
e) I am irregular in writing but my friend is always regular in writing, isn't he?

3. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Jashore Board-2016]
a) Hello, Rumi. You saw the programme on arsenic pollution in the ATN yesterday, didn't you?
b) Oh! Rajib. It has already become a serious problem in our country, hasn't it?
c) Yes, it enters into our body when we take arsenic-contaminated water, doesn't it?
d) It can cause different diseases, can't it?
e) You are right, Rumi. Everyone must be careful about taking water, mustn't they?

4. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board-2016]
a) Your letter gave me much pleasuredidn’t it?
(b) I am glad to inform you about our sports day, aren’t I?
(c) We decorated the school campus colourfully, didn’t we?
 (d) Among the events, the sack race and the leg race were interesting, weren’t they?
(e) None could resist laughter watching these events, could they?

5. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2016]
(a) We see that Masum has little knowledge about games and sports, has he?
(b) Let’s talk to him, shall we?
(c) We think, he doesn’t know how to play tennis, does he? 
(d) Everybody praises an all-rounder, don’t they?
(e) Though he is a good student, he is lazy, isn’t he?

6. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Chattogram Board-2016]
(a) The wind blows gently in the spring, doesn’t it?
(b) Let them do the work,  will you?
(c) How nice the flowers are, aren’t they?
(d) Everything looks beautiful in a moonlit night, doesn’t it?
(e) Work hard to succeed, will you?

7. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dinajpur Board-2016] 
(a) Shapna has little knowledge about computers, has she / does she?
(b) But she can improve herself if she is interested in it, can't she?
(c) I think she has no interest in it, has she?
(d) She should be motivated at all, shouldn't she?
(e) Let's talk to her, shall we?

Tag Question All Board Questions 2015

1. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Rajshahi Board-2015]
(a) Nobody believes a cheat, do they?
(b) Everybody hates him, don't they?
(c) He has to drag a miserable life, hasn't he?
(d) He can hardly succeed in life, can he?
(e) Let us always speak the truth, shall we?

2. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2015]
(a) I am doing a very important work. Don’t disturb me, will you?
(b) Rupa said to Mina, How happy you are in a nuclear family!, aren’t you?
(c) Cousin lives in a village. He hardly comes here, does he?
(d) I study in a reputed school. I am a student, aren’t I?
(e) Don’t make late. Let’s go, shall we?

3. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Jashore Board-2015]
(a) I am sorry, Ramit. I am very late, aren't I?
(b) There was a traffic jam, wasn't there?
(c) Oh! Don't worry. The train is late, isn't it?
(d) Then, have a cup of tea, will you?
(e) Yes. Let's go to the canteen, shall we?

4. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board-2015] 
a) Everyone is nostalgic in life, aren't they?
b) We hardly forget the golden past, do we?
c) The memories of childhood are always haunting us, aren't they?
d) Nothing is more pleasant to man than the sweetest memories of childhood, is it?
(e) Therefore, let's practise it, shall we?

5. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2015] 
a) A nuclear family has some advantages, hasn't it?
b) There're only a few family members, aren't there?
c) It is calm and quiet, isn't it?
d) So, one can have peace and happiness in a nuclear family, can't he/can't they?
e) One need not think of others, need he/need they?

6. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dinajpur Board-2015]
(a) I am Rajib, a boy of class 10, aren't I?
(b) I am reading in science group. I aim to be a doctor, don't I?
(c) But my parents want that I shall be an army officer, shan't I?
(d) I have to work hard for whatever I want to be. Because success in life depends on hard work, doesn't it?
(e) Especially¸ My parents always advise me to work hard, don’t they?

Tag Question All Board Questions 2012

1. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dhaka Board-2012]
a) Everybody is liable to error, aren't they?
b) Very few students are devoted to their studies, are they?
c) Please, don't waste your time, will you?
d) Let us go out for a walk, shall we?
e) Fire burns, doesn't it?

2. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2012]
a) Trees are our best friends, aren't they?
b) We should plant more trees, shouldn't we?
c) Nobody phoned me that day, did they?
d) The spot is quite far from here, isn't it?
e) Let us go out for a walk, shall we?

3. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Rajshahi Board-2012]
a) What a pity, isn't it?
b) None of you went there, did you?
c) Let us have a discussion, shall we?
d) Our college won the match, didn't it?
e) He does not take sugar in tea, does he?

4. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Jashore Board-2012]
a) Everyone would do so, wouldn't they?
b) You need not do this, need you?
c) There is a little water in this pond, isn't there?
d) 'You' is a pronoun, isn't it?
e) A man like you should not do this, should you?

5. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Chattogram Board-2012]
a) Telling lies is a great sin, isn't it?
b) One lie begets a hundred lies, doesn't it?
c) None believes a liar, do they?
d) He has to lead a miserable life, hasn't he?
e) So all of us ought to refrain from telling lies, oughtn't we?

6. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board-2012]
a) I'd meet you, wouldn't I?
b) There are many problems in our college, aren't there?
c) It is impossible, isn't it?
d) You cannot be sure, can you?
e) Their performance shows it, doesn't it?

7. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2012]
a) Everybody loves flowers, don't they?
b) Today flowers are used on different occasions, aren't they?
c) We need flowers to greet our honourable guests, don't we?
d) Now many people cultivate flowers, don't they?
e) This will better the living condition of the poor flower sellers, won't it?

8. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dinajpur Board-2012]
a) Rana as well as his friends enjoyed the film, didn't he?
b) Let me be alone, will you?
c) We ought not to do this, ought we?
d) Everyone welcomed us, didn't they?
e) I have the right to get your help, haven't I?

Tag Question All Board Questions 2011

9. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dhaka Board-2011]
a) Life is full of troubles and difficulties, isn't it?
b) They have to be overcome if we are to succeed in life, haven't they?
c) So, we should face them with courage, shouldn't we?
d) We may fail at first, mayn't we?
e) But we must not lose heart, must we?

10. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2011]
a) Let us have a discussion, shall we?
b) Time and tide wait for none, do they?
c) Many of us waste our time, don't they?
d) None could prosper in life without utilizing time, could they?
e) Everybody should realize this truth, shouldn't they?

11. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Rajshahi Board-2011]
a) Let us have a discussion, shall we?
b) Do not forget me, will you?
c) The weather was fine yesterday, wasn't it?
d) Our college won the match, didn't it?
e) He does not take sugar in tea, does he?

12. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board-2011]
a) His name was Jerry, wasn't it?
b) They waste their valuable time, don't they?
c) Everyone knows this, don't they?
d) He can never help people of the society, can he?
e) Everybody dislikes him, don't they?

13. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Chattogram Board-2011]
a) Health is wealth, isn't it?
b) A sick rich man is not happier than a healthy poor man, is he?
c) An unhealthy man cannot prosper in life, can he?
d) Nobody pays him due respect, do they?
e) We must take care of our health, mustn't we?

14. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2011]
a) You must have heard the name of Jalaluddin Rumi, mustn't you?
b) He achieved fame as a spiritual leader, didn't he?
c) He was also renowned as a mystic poet, wasn't he?
d) Thousands of people admired him in his life time, didn't they?
e) Still today millions of people all over the world find pleasure in his poetic works, don't they?

15. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dinajpur Board-2011]
a) You are not resigning from your job, are you?
b) No, not yet, unless I get another job I can't, do I?
c) Of course not. Well, you can use a computer, can't you?
d) And you do not mind working in a friend's firm, do you?
e) Well if I offer you a job in my office, you won't refuse it, will you?

Tag Question All Board Questions 2010

16. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dhaka Board-2010]
(a) Every student wants to do well in the examination, don't they?
(b) But it is not an easy task, is it?
(c) A student should read the texts again and again, shouldn't he?
(d) He must not memorize the answer without knowing the meaning, must he?
(e) He cans reader social services, doesn't he?

17. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dinajpur Board-2010]
(a) You are not used to taking potatoes, are you?
(b) No, I don't like it. I think you also don't like potatoes, do you?
(c) It is true. But in a country like Bangladesh, we ought to take alternative food, oughtn't we?
(d) The wise say like that, don't it?
(e) But I don't think, they will be satisfied with potatoes instead of rice, won't they?

18. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2010]
(a) Certainly you will go there, won't you?
(b) I know you have not hidden my pen, have you?
(c) A boy like you should not do this, should you?
(d) The earth is round, isn't she?
(e) Let us go for a walk, shall we?

19. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Chattogram Board-2010]
(a) Trees are our best friends, aren't they?
(b) They help us in many ways, don't they?
(c) But many men do not realize the importance of trees, do they?
(d) The country will change into a desert without trees, won't it?
(e) So, we should plant more trees, shouldn't we?

20. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board-2010]
(a) You need not come here tomorrow, need you?
(b) Let's help the poor boy, shall we?
(c) Nobody phoned me that day, did they?
(d) She has little idea about it, has she?
(e) He reads newspapers every day, doesn't he?

21. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2010]
a) Rimi is trying her best to make a good result, isn't she?
b) She thinks she will complete all the subjects before December, doesn't she?
c) Her parents are also serious, aren't they?
d) They feel her absence, don't they?
e) She should not miss her classes now, should she?

Tag Question all board question 2009

22. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dhaka Board-2009]
a) We're going to visit the Fantasy Kingdom today,-----?
b) But we can't start our journey unless it stops raining, ---?
c) Why don't we start now? It's only drizzling, ---?
d) The spot is quite far from here, --?
e) So, let's put off our visit for tomorrow, ---?

23. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Rajshahi Board-2009]
(a) Harnidur Rahman gave the shape to the Shaheed Minar, -----?
(b) He combined in it the Bengalese aspirations, -----?
(c) He was the pioneer of the new painting movement, ----?
(d) People admire him for his outstanding design of the Central Shaheed Minar, -----?
(e) We should never forget him,-----?

24. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Dinajpur Board-2009]
a) Do you know about computer, ----?
b) Of course, it is fairly a recent invention, ---?
c) It has now become an essential part of modern life,----?
d) It has greatly benefited us,----?
e) Now, let us hope for the latest one, ---?

25. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Jashore Board-2009]
(a) Let's have a walk outside the farm, --?
(b) I'm in the habit of walking every morning, ---?
(c) Morning entertains us with fresh air, ---?
(d) No one should miss this opportunity, --?
(e) Have a try to form this habit of morning walk, --?

26. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Cumilla Board-2009]
(a) Nothing is certain, ---?
(b) Nila knows you better, ---?
(c) Let's have a discussion, --?
(d) He seldom comes here, ---?
(e) You are right,---?

27. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Chattogram Board-2009]
a) Congratulations Terence. You have made an excellent result, ----?
b) Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit,-----?
c) Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, -----?
d) Certainly, You too studied hard, ----?
e) Yes, it is our duty to study in a disciplined way, -----?

28. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Sylhet Board-2009]
a) You are going abroad,---?
b) No, not yet, unless l pan manage money, I cannot go,---?
c) I can't admit you because I  have not much money, -----?
d) You don't know our present stale, Now my father has to maintain a very large family, -----?
e) I admit, your father can manage it if he wishes, -----?

29. Make tag questions of the following statements: [Barishal Board-2009]
a) Actually I am waiting for Kamal, ---?
b) Kamal? I also have come here to meet him, ---?
c) No. He just told me to meet him here. I don't know more about this, ----?
d) So far as I know, he wants to go to the fair, ----?
e) Really? Oh, here is Kamal coming. Let's discuss this with him,----?

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Answer: don't I?

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Answer: do they?

SSC tag question answer all board 2022
SSC tag question answer all board
SSC tag question pdf with answer sheet
Tag question board question 2022
Tag question exercise for SSC 2022
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