Parts of Speech Exercise
What is Parts of Speech?
Each meaningful words used in a sentence is called a Part of Speech. What are the 8 parts of speech?
The Eight Parts of Speech are-
1. Nouns: A noun is a word used to name something: a person/animal, a place, a thing, or an idea. For example, all of the following are nouns.
3. Adjectives: An adjective modifies (describes) a noun or pronoun. Usually, in English, the adjective comes before the noun. For example, The smart student earned an 'A'. Adjectives also come after linking verbs. For example, I feel happy.
4. Verbs: Verbs generally express an action or a state of being. There are several classifications for verbs.
1. Action verbs
2. Linking verbs
3. Main verbs
4. Auxiliary verbs
5. Transitive
6. Intransitive and
7. Phrasal verbs
Examples: He and his brother will come. (words) He came to the class and started teaching.(Clauses) It is easy to say but difficult to do. (Phrases) She is intelligent; therefore, she does not need too much help. (Clauses)
8. Interjections: Interjections are words used to express emotional states. They can usually be found in narrative writing, interviews, and spoken English. They can stand alone.
Examples: Oh!, Wow!, Ouch! Oops! Hey! They can also be used in a Phrase or Sentence.
Examples: What a lovely day! How strong the man is! The same word as different parts of speech Remembers that the same word can be used as different parts of speech. Its function in the sentence will help you to determine the part of speech. Look at the following sentences and notice the functions of the word 'well' in each of the sentences:
1. He does not look well. (Adjective)
2. The student did well in the test. (Adverb)
3. Well, I don't know about that. (Interjection)
Parts of Speech Exercise with answer
1. He is a man of---.
a. Parts✓
b. Parting
c. Parted
d. Part
2. “Man of parts” means-?
a. Honest
b. Sincere
c. Talented✓
d. Worthless
3. How many Parts of speech?
a. two
b. eight✓
c. three
d. five
4. The word ‘Adjective’ is a/an----
a. pronoun
b. noun✓
c. verb
d. Adjective
5. Which of the following nouns is not proper noun?
a. Team✓
b. Dhaka
c) Sunday
d. Maya
6. Which of the following is proper noun?
a. Rabindranath✓
b. Car
c. Rain
d. Fast
7. What kind of noun is “river”?
a. Material
b. Collective
c. proper
d. common
8. What kind of noun is “man”?
a. proper
b. common✓
c. collective
d. Material
9. The elephant has great strength. Here elephant it-
a. proper noun
b. common noun✓
c. collective noun
d. material noun
10. The poor are always unhappy? “The poor” is - noun.
a. Plural common✓
b. Plural proper
c. Collective
d. Material
11. I think --- should pay more taxes.
a. the rich✓
b. the riches
c. rich
d. riches
12. The word army is a- Kamal did not join the army. Here the word “Army” is-
a. abstract noun
b. common room
c. collective noun✓
d. material noun
13. The jury were divided in their opinions . Here “jury” is a-
a. proper noun
b. collective noun✓
c. common room
d. abstract noun
14. You must watch the fleet. Here ‘”fleet” is-
a. an abstract noun
b. a proper noun
c. a collective noun✓
d. a material noun
15. A group of lions is called-
a. a pack of lions
b. a pride of lions✓
c. a flock of lions
d. a colony of lions
16. What is the collective noun for a group of young partridges?
a. gaggle
b. covey✓
c. flock
d. school
17. I saw a – monkeys forest.
a. group
b. herd
c. swarm
d. troop✓
18. What is the collective noun in the knives, forks, spoons, and other eating utensils?
a. crockery
b. cutlery✓
c. weaponry
d. eatery
19. What type of the noun the word “rice”’ is? Salt --- noun?
a. proper noun
b. common noun
c. Material noun✓
d. Abstract noun
20. This neckless is made of gold. In this sentence gold is-
a. Collective noun
b. Common noun
c. Material noun✓
d. Abstract noun
Noun exercise
21. What kind of noun is honesty?
a. proper
b. common
c. Abstract✓
d. collective
22. Without health there is no happiness. Here happiness is-
a. proper noun
b. common noun
c. collective noun
d. abstract noun✓
23. What kind of noun is “Discipline”?
a. abstract noun✓
b. collective noun
c. proper noun
d. common noun
24. The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery. Which class of noun bravery belongs to?
a. collective noun
b. common noun
c. material noun
d. abstract noun✓
25. What type of noun the word “infancy” is?
a. common
b. abstract✓
c. material
d. collective
26. Broad word abstract form of-
a. breadth✓
b. broadness
c. broader
d. broadship
27. What is the abstract noun form of “hero”?
a. Heroism✓
b. Herioc
c. Hermione
d. Herobike
28. Which one is a material noun?
a. Group
b. Meat✓
c. Seriousness
d. Party
29. What kind of noun is the word “kindness”?
b. common
c. abstract✓
d. material
30. Which one is Abstract noun?
a. Long
b. Height✓
c. Man
d. Jury
31. Which one is not Collective noun?
a. Cattle
b. police
c. Audience
d. City✓
32. Which one is Collective noun?
a. Books
b. Girl
c. Library✓
d. Soldiers
33. Which one is Common noun?
a. March
b. Class
c. Jute
d. Mouth✓
34. Which one is Abstract noun?
a. city
b. boy
c. obey
d. Humility✓
35. Which one is Collective noun?
a. june
b. team✓
c. month
d. envelope
36. Which one is Collective noun?
a. truth
b. harbour
c. bank
d. committee✓
37. Which one is a collective noun?
a. friendship
b. gang✓
c. doctor
d. honesty
38. Which one is abstract noun?
a. boy
b. child
c. childhood✓
d. family
39. Which of the following is not a common noun?
a. man
b. village
c. London✓
d. river
40. What kind of noun is “an army”?
a. proper
b. common
c. collective✓
d. material
41. Eva takes care of herself. Here ‘herself’ is -
A. Reflexive pronoun✓
B. Emphatic pronoun
C. Reciprocal pronoun
D. Distributive pronoun
Adverb exercises
Find out Adverb in the following sentences
1. He walks slowly.
2. This is a very beautiful picture.
3. He came right through the field.
4. Unfortunately he filed.
5. The work can be done more easily.
6. He roads well.
7. The horse can run fast.
8. Why is she sorry?
9. Tell me when he will come.
10. How they reached there?
11. Does he know where she stays?
12. Surely he will come.
13. He is almost a drunkard.
14. Kerry was always honest.
15. The boy has enough strength to carry the load.
16. I shall certainly go.
17. The examiner has carefully examined the scripts.
18. Down went the ship.
19. Jim came early.
20. He never comes late.
21. I shall never help him.
22. Stane Lee was very active.
23. He talks too much.
24. We have already taken the decision.
25. He always walks quickly.
26. The players played well.
27. The man is too weak to go out.
28. He sometimes meets me.
29. He frequently visits my office.
30. A barking dog seldom bites.
N.B. All bold are Adverb.