Interesting facts about Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens Profile

Name: Charles Dickens

Full Name: Charles John Huffam Dickens

Birth Date: 7 February 1812

Birth Place: Landport, Hampshire, England

Death Date: 9 June 1870

Death Place: Higham, Kent, England

Cause of Death: Stroke

Death Age: 58

Buried Place: Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey, England

Occupation: Writer

Nationality: British

Alma Mater: Wellington House Academy in North London

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Parents: John Dickens (Father), Elizabeth Dickens (Mother)

Number of Siblings: 7

   1. Augustus Dickens
   2. Alfred Lamert Dickens
   3. Frederick Dickens
   4. Alfred Allen Dickens

1. Frances Dickens
2. Harriet Dickens
3. Letitia Dickens

Spouse: Catherine Thomson Hogarth (m. 1836; sep.1858)

Partner & Girlfriend: Ellen Lawless Ternan (b.1839; d.1914)

Number of Children: 12

Son (s):
1. Francis Dickens
2. Alfred D'Orsay Tennyson Dickens
3. Henry Fielding Dickens
4. Edward Dickens
5. Charles Dickens Jr.
6. Sydney Smith Haldimand Dickens
7. Walter Landor Dickens
8. Lieut. Walter Savage Landor Dickens
9. Lieut. Sydney Smith Haldimand Dickens

Daughter (s):
1. Kate Perugini
2. Dora Annie Dickens
3. Mary Dickens

Charles Dickens Notable works

2. Oliver Twist
3. Great Expectations
4. A Tale of Two Cities
5. David Copperfield
6. A Christmas Carol
7. Bleak House
8. Little Dorrit
9. Nicholas Nickleby
1. The Pickwick Papers
Charles Dickens biography, major works, and death

Interesting facts about Charles Dickens childhood

✓Charles Dickens was born in 1812.

✓His father was a government clerk.

✓His life was a continuous struggle with poverty and debt.

✓In his early boyhood he was obliged to drudge for some years in a factory, suffering considerable discomfort, but gaining an intimate acquaintance with the lowest forms of city life that stood him in good stead.

✓He was afterwards an office-boy to an attorney, then a reporter in Doctors' commons, then a reporter in Parliament, winning his way to comparative competence by steady industry.

✓The wide and varied experiences that he thus gathered about the ugly realities of life have been brought to bear upon his works the main characteristic of which is the delineation of the absurdities of life

Interesting facts about Charles Dickens Works

✓Most of his writings were published in the monthly instalments in newspapers and journals.

✓Dickens has some contribution in popularizing this post in a method.

✓Other authors used to finish the novel before continuing the part, but Dickens publication of part, the next chapters would have been written.

✓In this process can be seen in the story of his novels writing.

✓The end of the chapters is mysterious, for which the readers would be looking forward to reading the next part.

✓His short stories and novels are so popular that they have never been out-of-print.

✓Leo Tolstoy, George Orwell, G. K  Chesterton writers have highly appreciated Dickens's writings, his sense of humour, poetry, characterization and social reform.

✓On the other hand, Henry James, Virginia Wolf, has written about the writings of Dickens, in the form of sentimentality and unrealistic imagination.

✓Among the Victorian novelist, Charles Dickens was the most representative of the age.

✓He is a great master of prose literature.

✓He can be compared and contrasted with Tennyson for both of them truly represent the age.

✓They can be regarded as the newspaper of the age.

✓Charles Dickens novels deal with London life. He has composed many famous novels in literary life.

✓Among them are David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, The Old Curiosity Shop etc.

✓A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, and Great Expectations.

✓These novels earned him popularity as one of the greatest novelists of the Victorian age.

✓Charles Dickens has shown interest in social reformation.

✓His novel though embodies no particular social or political theory.

✓He took himself seriously as a social reformer.

✓Charles Dickens is witty and humorous in the creation of his characters.

✓He could describe the horrible death and melodramatic characteristics like Madame Defarge in A Tale of Two Cities.

✓At the age of twenty-six, Charles Dickens was a popular writer.

✓Though Charles Dickens works embody no systematic social and political theory, from the first he took himself very seriously as a social reformer.

✓The marvellous thing is that with so strong a temptation to slop work.

✓He created books that were so rich and enduring.

✓His novels aroused public interest in many Of the evils of his day, among them boarding school. 

✓Pickwick Papers, the first novels of the Charles Dickens.

✓The reputation of Charles Dickens will be maintained chiefly as a humorist.

✓His humour is broad humans and creatures.

✓His mannerisms are many and they do not make for good in his novels.

✓Charles Dickens died in 1870, England.
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