26 March reading passage with answer 3 & 4

26 March, our Independence Day, is one of the most important state festival. The day is celebrated every year in the country with great enthusiasm and fervour. It is a national holiday. All offices, educational institutions, shops, and factories remain closed on this day. The day begins with a 31-gun salute. Early in the morning the President and the Prime Minister, on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths at the National Mausoleum at Savar. Then other leaders, political parties, diplomats, social and cultural organisations, educational institutions, and freedom fighters pay homage to the martyrs. People from all walks of life also go there with rallies and processions. There are many cultural programmes throughout the day, highlighting the heroic struggle and sacrifice in 1971.
26 March reading passage with answer
In Bangabandhu National Stadium, school children, scouts and girl guides take part in various displays to entertain thousands of spectators. Educational institutions also organise their individual programmes. Sports meets and tournaments are also organised on the day, including the exciting boat race in the river Buriganga. In the evening, all major public buildings are illuminated with colourful lights. Bangla Academy, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and other socio-cultural organisations hold cultural functions. Similar functions are also arranged in other places in the country.

1. Fill in each gap with a suitable word based on the information of the text.
26 March is a red-letter day in our national (a) ---. It is our Independence Day. This is a day to (b) --- why and how Bangladesh is created. The birth of Bangladesh was not easy. Our heroic people protested (c) --- the evil motive and plan of the Pakistani rulers. Conscious people of our country (d) --- against Pak rulers in 1952, 62, 68, 69, and finally in 1971. So 1971 was the (e) --- of the previous movements.

2. Fill in each gap with a suitable word based on the information of the text.
26 March is (a) --- important for the Bengali nation. People celebrate the day every year becoming very (b) ---. As it is a national holiday, all offices do not remain (c) --- on the day. All the higher officials of the state offer wreaths of (d) --- at National Mausoleum at Savar. People (e) --- of caste and creed proceed with rallies and processions. People show respect to the heroic figures who (f) --- their lives in 1971. The audience get (g) --- in Bangabandhu National Stadium by the participants. All the offices both govt. and non-govt. (h) --- flags on their buildings and (i) --- them with colourful lights. Thus, the whole of the country wears a (j) --- look.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word based on the information of the text.
26 March is a (a) --- day for the people of Bangladesh. On this day, our (b) --- war began. The heroic sons of our country sacrificed their (c) ---. So, the whole nation (d) --- the day every year to (e) --- respect to the martyrs.

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