HSC Passage Narration Board Questions 2023

1. Change the narrative style by using indirect speech: [Dhaka Board– 2023]
"Where will you get admission after your HSC Examination? Do you have any choice?" said the teacher to Susmita. "I'm not yet sure what I have to do because everything depends on my result." "You should have a choice. Be positive and optimistic."

Answer: The teacher asked Susmita where she would get admission after her HSC Examination and if she had any choice. Susmita replied that she was not yet sure what she had to do because everything depended on her result. Then the teacher advised her to have a choice. He also advised her to be positive and optimistic.

2. Change the narrative style by using indirect speech: [Rajshahi Board-2023]
"I can chop some wood today," said Jerry "But I have a boy coming from the orphanage." "I am the boy." "You? But you are small." "Size does not matter, chopping wood," said Jerry. "Some of the big boys don't chop wood. I've been chopping wood for a long time," said Jerry to the writer.

Answer: Jerry said that he could chop some wood that day. The writer objected that she had a boy coming from the orphanage. Jerry replied that he was the boy. The writer ordered whether it was he and said that he was small. Jerry told that size does not / (did not) matter chopping wood and added that some of the big boys did not chop wood. Jerry further said that he had been chopping wood for a long time.

Or, Jerry said that he could chop some wood that day. The writer objected that he had a boy coming from the orphanage. Jerry replied that he was the boy. Being surprised, she asked him whether it was he and said that he was small. Jerry told that size did not matter chopping wood and added that Sam of the big boys did not chop wood. Jerry further said that he had been chopping wood for a long time.

3. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches. [Cumilla Board-2023]
"What's a puppet show?" Mita said to her father. Father said. "Let's go inside and you can see yourself." Inside the tent Mita said, "How strange! A doll is dancing and talking." Father said "A man behind the screen is moving the doll. Do you understand who is talking?"

Answer: Mita asked her father what a puppet show war. Her father suggested that they could go inside and she could see herself inside the tent. Mita astonished and replied that it was very strange and added that a doll was dancing and talking. Her father replied that a man behind the screen was moving the doll and asked her if she understood who was talking.

4. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches: [Jashore Board-2023]
 "I have won a lottery and got 10 lakh taka," said Samira. Congratulations!" I said. "What do you intend to do with the large amount of money?" "I want to serve my poor village people. So, I have made up my mind to establish a hospital in our rural area," Samira replied. "Thank you." I said. "I shall also help you in this respect."

Answer: Samira told me that she had won a lottery and got 10 lakh taka. I congratulated her and asked what she intended to do with the large amount of money. She (S) replied that she wanted to serve her poor village people and so she (S) had made up her (S) mind to establish a hospital in their (S) rural area. I thanked her and added that I would also help her (S) in that respect. 

5. Change the form of narrative style by using indirect speeches: [Dinajpur Board -2023]
"Why do you stop me?" asked Rubel. "Have I done any wrong?" "You are driving so fast. It is not the rule," said the traffic sergeant. "Sorry Sir. My mother is in the hospital. So, I am in a hurry," said Rubel. 

Answer: Rubel asked the traffic sergeant why he (T) stopped him (R). He also asked whether/if he (R) had done any wrong. The traffic sergeant replied that he (R) was driving so fast and said that it was not the rule. Rubel apologized respectfully and told him (Ts) that his (R) mother was in the hospital. He further said that he was in a hurry for this reason.

6. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches: [Sylhet Board -2023]
Mr. Kalam said to the bank manager, "May I get in, sir?" "Yes, come in," said the bank manager. Mr. Kalam said, I want to open a bank account." The manager said, "What type of account will you open?" I want to open a savings account, "said Mr. Kalam. Please go to the front desk. The officer will help you." “Thank you very much," Mr. Kalam said.

Answer: Mr. Kalam respectfully asked the bank manager whether he might/could get in. The bank manager replied affirmatively and told him (K) to come in. Mr. Kalam said that he wanted to open a bank account. The bank manager asked him (K) what type of account he (K) would open. Mr. Kalam replied that he (K) wanted to open a savings account. The bank manager requested him (K) to go to the front desk and added that the officer would help him (K). Mr. Kalam thanked the bank manager very much.

7. Change the narrative style of the passage by using indirect speeches: [Barishal Board-2023]
"How is your mother, Habib?," said Fahim. "She is better today," said Habib. "Did you take her to any doctor?" "Yes, and the doctor has x-rayed her." "Now, take a good care of her and ensure all medications as prescribed," said Fahim. "Of course, thank you a lot," said Habib.

Answer: Fahim asked Habib how was his (H) mother. Habib replied that she was better that day. Fahim asked again whether he (H) had taken her to any doctor. Habib replied affirmatively and told that the doctor had x-rayed her. Fahim suggested Habib to take a good care of her then and to ensure all medications that had been prescribed. Habib assured him and thanked him a lot.

8. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches. [Chattogram Board -2023]
"What's your dream? Do you have any dream?" said Zayed. "Yes, I have a dream. My dream is a full plate of rice." said Robi. "Come with me. I am going to materialize your dream." "How kind you are!" said Robi.

Answer: Zayed asked Robi what his (R) dream was. He (Z) again asked him if he (R) had any dream. Robi tenderly replied in the affirmative that he (R) had a dream. He (R) added that his (R) dream was a full plate of rice. Instantly, Zayed told him (R) to go with him (Z). He (Z) added that he (Z) was going to materialize his (R) dream. Robi exclaimed in wonder that he (Z) was very kind.

9. Change the narrative style by using Indirect speeches: [Mymensingh Board-2023]
"What kind of stories did Aesop tell?" asked Anwar. “Fables,” replied Mr. Rahman. "Do you know what fables are?" "No," replied Anwar. "Well," continued Mr. Rahman, "Fables are stories with a moral. And Aesop entertained people by telling these stories." 

Answer: Anwar asked Mr. Rahman what kind of stories Aesop had told. Mr. Rahman replied that they were Fables and asked if he knew what Fables are. Anwar replied in negative. Mr. Rahman nodded and continued that Fables are stories with a moral and added that Aesop had entertained people by telling those stories.
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