Paragraph on How to fight against Dengue Fever

The dengue outbreak in the recent time has been very widespread in the major cities and towns of Bangladesh. People of all classes have been affected by this disease. This is a mosquito- borne viral disease.

According to sources of various news agencies, about 20 thousand people have been attacked with this epidemic. At least 100 people died in different places. The problem has taken a strong shape in Dhaka city. Every day new dengue patients are getting admitted in the hospitals of Dhaka city. The government agencies and health workers are struggling hard to overcome the issue. All types of leaves of the doctors and other health workers have been cancelled.
Paragraph on How to fight against Dengue Fever
The government is trying its best to cope with the situation. They have also urged people to keep their areas clean and use all other familial measures by themselves. From our side, we should follow the paths of prevention. To face and remain safe from dengue fever, we must keep our homes, residence and the surrounding area clean. The houses should be free from all kinds of pots and bottles containing stagnant water for many days.

All the members of the family must use net for sleeping both at day and night. Besides they can wear thick clothes and stocking both inside and outside of home. However, if anybody is attacked with dengue fever, he must take enough rest. He can also take paracetamol type tablet. And if the fever rises he must see a doctor. However, if we follow these preventive measures, we will be able to fight dengue fever and face it unitedly.
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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 10:08 PM

    very usefull

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