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Connectors Board Questions exercise for SSC

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: [Rajshahi Board-2024; Barishal Board -2024]
Facebook is a social medium (a) --- is very popular. (b) --- it provides the users with various information, all do not use it for positive purposes. Many facebook users (c) --- some of the youngsters sometimes use it whimsically which creates (d) --- misunderstanding (e) --- destroys the social peace.

Answer: (a) which/ that; (b) Though/Although; (c) including; (d) not only; (e) but also.

2. [Cumilla Board-2024]
It is known to all (a) --- about half of our population are women. They are entitled to equal rights and privileges (b) --- men enjoy. (c) --- in reality, they do not get their dues. For the true development of our country, they should be given proper education and training. (d) --- every woman is a potential mother and her influence on her children is very great. (e) ---, we should pay proper attention to our women folk.

Answer: (a) that; (b) as; (c) But; (d) Because; (e) So.

3. [Jashore Board-2024]
We know that trees are very important (a) ---they produce oxygen (b) --- is a must for all living creatures. They are our best friends (c) --- we are not conscious of it. Time is coming (d) --- there will be no tree left for us. (e) ---, we should plant more and more trees for our own sake.

Answer: (a) because; (b) which; (c) but; (d) when; (e) So/Therefore.

4. [Sylhet Board-2024]
Almost all countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem. (a) --- nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in our country. There are many reasons behind it. (b) --- our country is industrially backward. (c) --- our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. It has little provision for vocational training. (d) --- our students and youths have a false sense of dignity. (e) --- they run after jobs only.

Answer: (a) But; (b) Firstly/First of all; (c) Secondly; (d) As a result/Moreover/Again; (e) Thus/Therefore/That's Why

SSC Connectors all board question 2020

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dhaka Board-2020; Jashore Board- 2015]
The rapid growth of the population must be controlled. (a)--- all sorts of attempts to solve the food problem will fail. (b)--- we have to increase our food production very rapidly. We may mostly solve our food problem by changing our traditional food habit. (c)--- we can take potato instead of rice. (d)--- it is high time we changed our eating habit. (e) --- knowledge of the nutritive value of food can help solve our food problem.

Answer: a) But/Otherwise; b) At the same time/Then; c) For example; d) So; e) Last of all/Also.

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 
[Rajshahi Board-2020]
The greatness of a book depends (a) — on the acceptability among the readers. If we read a book only once, we can discover many things in it. (b)--- basing on one reading, we cannot judge the standard of a book. (c)--- a book is praised highly, we have no doubt about the greatness of the book. (d) — the first reading we may not understand a book. (e)--- if it is read more than once, we can understand the greatness of the book easily.
Answer: (a) mainly/entirely; (b) So; (c) When/If; (d) Only/through/Every often; (e) But.

3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 
[Cumilla Board-2020; 
Sylhet Board-2017]
None can deny the importance of tree plantation (a) — our lives on earth, directly and indirectly, depend on it. (b) — it is a matter of sorrow that we are cutting down trees indiscriminately. (c) — trees are planted, soon our country will turn into a desert. (d) — there will be an adverse change in the climate. (e) — we should plant more and more trees for our own sake.
Answer: a) as/ because; b) But; c) Unless; d) And; e) So/Therefore.

4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Jashore Board-2020]
Teaching is such a profession (a) ---helps to build a nation. A teacher is (b) --- a guide (c) ---a pioneer. He has to dedicate to this noble profession in order to guide the nation. (d) ---, he is called an architect of a new society. (e) --he neglects his duties, social discipline will break down.
Answer: a) which; b) both; c) and; d) So; e) If.

5. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Barisal Board-2020]
Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues (a) ---makes a person really great. (b) ---we cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others. The man (c) ---nobody believes can never be famous in life. It may be (d) ---we may succeed once or twice by telling lies, (e) --- it never brings about good result. A lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow it comes to light. 
Answer: (a) that/which; (b) Unless; (c) whom: (d) that: (e) but.

6. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Chittagong Board-2020]
Bangladesh is a small country (a) ---it has a large population. A great number of people are poor (b) ---illiterate. (c) ---we want to develop the country, we must control the rapid growth of population. (d) ---we have to face a great problem. But it is a matter of joy (e) ---our government Is taking initiative to solve the problem.
Answer: (a) but; (b) and; (c) If; (d) Otherwise; (e) that.

7. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board-2020;Dinajpur Board 2015]
Summer noon is very painful and disgusting. (a) ---the sun shines hotly over head, life becomes miserable. The sufferings of the people know no bounds (b) --- the electricity goes off. (c) --- the people use hand fans to fan themselves. Children can neither sleep (d) ---read. They feel out of sorts. (e) ---the poor suffer most. They work outside in the burning sun.
Answer: (a) When/While/Since/As; (b) when: (c) Then; (d) nor; (e) But/Mainly/Specially/Above all.

8. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dinajpur Board 2020]
Honesty is the best way of leading life through (a)--- one can get mental peace. It is a great rational virtue (b)--- leads a man to the way of humanity. Life of a man is not very peaceful (c)--- honesty can open a door of peace before him. An honest man is more respected (d)--- other men. (e)--- We shall never be dishonest in our life.
Answer: a) which; b) which/that; c) but; d) than; e) So/Therefore.

9. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Mymensingh Board 2020]
Women are, nowadays as important as men in the society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. (a) ---there can be no denying the fact (b) ---they too possess equal rights and duties (c) -- men do. They have noble mission to fulfil as men. (d) ---they get opportunity their genius, powers (e) ---will bloom fully.
Answer: (a) So/Actually/therefore; (b) that; (c) as/like: (d) If; (e) and.

Connectors exercise with answers

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dhaka Board-2019]
A school magazine is a magazine (a) ---is published by the school authority annually. It contains poems, articles, essays and jokes. The publication of it is not an easy task (b) ---it needs time, energy and money. (c) ---a magazine committee is formed from the teachers and the students. The editor (d) ---is selected or elected by the committee members invites writings. (e) ---good writings are selected for printing. 
Answer: (a) Which (b) because (c) So (d) who (e) But/Finally

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 
[Rajshahi Board-2019]
The whole world has turned into a global village (a) ---- the improvement of information technology. Now we can know (b) ---- is happening on the other corner of the world sitting at home. One culture is coming in touch with another. The poor culture is receiving quickly the elements (c) ---- are in rich culture. (d) ---- technology transforms culture and develops it. (e) ---- we have to prevent the infiltration of bad culture of another society to our own culture.
Answer: (a) because of/ owing to; (b) what; (c) which/that; (d) Eventually/Thus; (e) However/So.

3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Cumilla Board-2019;Jashore Board-2019; Chattagram Board-2024]
Morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. (a) ---- it is a simple exercise, it is good for health both physically (b) ---- mentally. (c) ---- the morning air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution, it keeps us sound and healthy. Morning walk costs nothing (d) ---- gives more. (e) ---- we should make the habit of morning walk.
Answer: (a) Though/Although; (b) as well as/and; (c) As/Since/Moreover; (d) rather/but/Wherever; (e) Hence/So/ Therefore/That is why.

4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board-2019]
Honesty is a divine virtue. The man (a) ---possesses this quality is the happiest person in the world. To be honest, man should have trustworthiness (b) ---nobody trusts a liar. (c) ---. Allah helps the honest people. (d) ---children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life. (e) ---they should be taught discipline.
Answer: (a) who; (b) because/since/as; (c) In fact/Moreover/Besides; (d) So; (e) At the same time/In fine/Finally.

5. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Barisal Board-2017]
Climate change means the changes in climate. (a)---, climate on earth is constantly changing. (b)--- climate change, the weather pattern in any specific region on earth (c)--- across the whole earth is changing. Human activities are greatly responsible for it. We are cutting down trees for habitation and agricultural purpose. (d)---, use of chemicals in industries causes serious harm to the ozone layer. (e)---, there is a rapid increase in temperature causing greenhouse effect.
Answer: (a) In fact/Actually; (b) Because of/Owing to/Due to; (c) as well as/and; (d) Besides/In addition; (e) As a result/Consequently.

6. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.
Chittagong Board-2019]

Many schools have a uniform (a)--- there are arguments for and against. One argument is what to put on. (b)--- pupils were allowed to wear clothes according to their own choice. (c)--- some clothes may not be suitable for schools. (d)--- some of the students cannot afford to buy it. (e)---wearing a school dress is not mandatory in every school.
Answer: (a) though/although/but; (b) Previously; (c) However; (d) In addition/Moreover/Again; (e) That is why/So.

7. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dinajpur Board-2019]
People usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act (a)--- they like. (b)--- one cannot have one' s own way all the time. A person cannot live in an environment without considering the interest of others (c)--- his own interest. People in society may take their own decision. (d)--- these decisions ought not to be unjust (e)--- harmful to others.
Answer: (a) as; (b) However; (c) along with/beside(s)/as well as; (d) But; (e) or.

SSC Connectors all board question 2018

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [All Board 2018]
a)--- taking food we should bear in mind b)---we do not eat just to satisfy hunger or to feel the belly. We eat c)--- we can preserve our health. some people living in the midst of plenty, do not eat the food they need for a good health d)--- they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition. e)---, they suffer from various diseases.
Answer: Before /while; b) that; c) so that; d) as /because; e) So

Sentence Connectors Exercises with Answers

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: [Dhaka Board-2017]
We know that trees are essential for all kinds of creatures. They give us not only food (a)--- oxygen. They protect us from natural calamities. (b)--- they are called the saviour of our environment. (c)--- many people are not aware of this. They cut down trees randomly. (d)---, forest lands are shrinking. (e)--- people go on cutting down trees, one day there will be no trees left for us.

Answer: a) but also; b) So; c) But; d) Therefore; e) If.

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: [Rajshahi Board-2017]
Ripa is a student of class ten. (a)--- she is meritorious, she never takes pride in her merit. She is helpful to all. (b)--- any week student comes to her with any problem, she tries to help him. She is respectful to the senior (c)--- affectionate to the junior him. She is simple in behaviour (d)--- strict in principle. (e)---, everyone loves her.

Answer: a) Though; b) If; c) and; d) but; e) So.

3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Cumilla Board-2017]
21 February is a red-letter day in our national history. It is our pride a)--- no nation of the world has ever fought for its language some countries the way we fought. So, it has been now declared as the International Mother Language Day. The proposal has been passed unanimously in the General Assembly of the UNESCO b)--- pointed out c)--- the incident of 21 is related to the Bangalees only. d)----the recognition of the day, e)---the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO has upheld the prestige of Bangalees all over the world.

Answer: a) that ;b) but; c) that ;d) At last; e) as.

4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Jashore Board- 2017; Dinajpur Board-2024]
Trees are very important (a)--- they produce Oxygen (b)--- is must for man and all living beings. We must realize (c)--- they help us in many ways. (d)---trees are less in number, there will be an increased amount of carbon-di-oxide in the atmosphere (e)--- it will enhance the Greenhouse effect.
Answer: a) because; b) which; c) obviously; d) If; e) that.

5. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board-2017; Mymensingh Board-2024]
None can deny the importance of tree plantation (a)--- our lives on earth directly or indirectly depend on it. (b)--- it is a matter of sorrow that we are cutting down trees indiscriminately. (c)--- trees are planted, soon our country will turn into a desert (d)--- there will be an adverse change in the climate. (e)--- we should plant more and more trees for our own sake.

Answer: a) as / because; b) But; c) Unless; d) when; e) So /Therefore

6. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Barisal Board-2017]
Rural life and urban life have many common sides. a)--- differences between them are greater. Rural people do not have adequate educational and medical facilities. b)---, they face the problem with their communication network. c)--- the urban people enjoy a lot of educational and medical facilities. d)--- the people of cities and towns enjoy a smooth and easy communication system. e)--- there is a rush of people to come to cities from villages every year.

Answer: a) But; b) For example; c) On the contrary; d) Moreover; e) As a result / So.

7. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Chittagong Board-2017]
Global warming is increasing day by day (a)--- deforestation. We cut down trees (b)--- never think of planting more trees. (c)---- human and other living beings are in the threat of extinction. Time is coming (d) --- there will be no tree left for us. (e)--- have to face the bitter consequences of deforestation.

Answer: a) due to/for/because of; b) but; c) As a result; d) when; e) Consequently /Then/So.

8. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dinajpur Board-2017]
Globalization is a term (a)--- is commonly used by man (b)--- it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world creating global development, we have conquered we can learn what is happening in the borderless market. (c)--- global development, we have conquered the time (d)--- distance. (e)---, we can learn what is happening in the farthest corner of the world.

Answer: a) which; b) Really; c) Owing to/Due to; d) of; e) As a result

SSC Connectors all board question 2016

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dhaka Board-2016]
Gold is a bright precious metal. There are many metals cheaper (a) ---gold but look like it. They glitter well (b) ---fade in course of time. Actually there are many people in our society (c) ---are outwardly gentle and nice. But (d) ---a period of time, their real identity is revealed. (e) ---, all that glitters is not gold.
Answer: (a) than: (b) but; (c) who; (d) after: (e) So/Actually/In fact/Therefore.

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Rajshahi Board-2016]
Honesty is a divine virtue. The man (a) ---possesses this quality is the happiest person in the world. To be honest, man should have trustworthiness (b) ---nobody trusts a liar. (c) ---. Allah helps the honest people. (d) ---children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life. (e) ---they should be taught discipline.
Answer: (a) who; (b) because/since/as; (c) In fact/Moreover/Besides; (d) So; (e) At the same time/In fine/Finally.

3. Complete the passage with suitable connectors. 
[Cumilla Board-2016]
Student life is the best time in life (a)--- almost every student is free from cares (b)--- anxieties of life. He has nothing to do (c)--- study. (d)--- a student, he should read novels, magazines, newspapers (e)---textbooks.

Answer: a) when / since; b) and; c) but / without/ except; d) As / Being: e) besides / except / along with.

4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Jashore Board- 2016]
(a) ---Population problem is one of the greatest problems in our country. (b) ---Bangladesh is a small country, it has a huge population. The government finds it difficult to provide basic necessities. (c) ---it has become a great concern to all. (d) ---solving this problem some necessary steps should be taken. In this regard, general people should help the government. (e) ---the population growth is controlled, people will lead a happy life.

Answer: (a) Truly/At present/ Undoubtedly/ Nowadays; (b) Though/Although; (c) So; (d) With a view to/For; (e) If.

5. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: [Chittagong Board-2016]
Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a)--- most of the people are careless in this respect. People of this country have achieved national identity at the cost of a great sacrifice (b)--- is still evaluated nationally. (c)--- some selfish people never want to give them recognition. d)--- we all should do some benevolent activities. e)--- we will be guilty to the nation.

Answer: a) But; b) that/which; c) But; d) therefore; e) Otherwise

6. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board-2016]
a)---I were a rich man I would help others. People living under the poverty line have the hope of better days b)--- they do not get c)--- they dream of. d)--- their condition is getting from bad to worse. The only thing e)--- they need is nothing but education.

Answer: a) If; b) but / though; c) what; d) So / This is why / In fact; e) what/that/which.

7. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Barisal Board-2016]
A hare is a very speedy animal. (a) ---, a tortoise moves very slowly. (b) ---, it has a heavy shell on its back. (c) ---, its legs are short. (d) ---, it cannot move as fast as other animals. One morning a hare laughed at a tortoise for its slow motion. The hare asked the tortoise to run a race. (e) ---‘the tortoise felt hurt, It agreed to the proposal of the hare.
Answer: (a) On the contrary/But/On the other hand; (b) Firstly; (c) Secondly; (d) So/As a result; (e) Though/Although.

8. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dinajpur Board 2016]
An idle man does not do his work in right time. He puts off work of today for tomorrow. A student (a) ---neglects his daily lessons is sure to fail. A young man who idles away his time becomes a burden to the family (b) ---the society. His brain becomes the workshop of devils. It is said (c) ---the devil tempts the busy man (d) ---the idle man tempts the devil. (e) ---everyone should make the best use of time.
Answer: (a) who; (b) as well as/and; (c) that; (d) whereas/and/but/while/on the other hand/on the contrary; (e) So/For this reason.

Connectors exercise for ssc with answers pdf

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors[Dhaka Board-2015]
The foods that we eat can be divided into six kinds (a)--- what substances they contain and (b)--- benefits they do to us. Fish, meat,, peas and milk provide us with protein (c)--- builds our body and helps us grow. (d)--- we do not take all these, we cannot grow well. Vitamins and mineral salts protect us from diseases (e)--- keep us fit for work.

Answer: a) according to; b) what; c) which/that. d) If; e) and.

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Rajshahi Board-2015]
(a) ---, there are some differences between practical knowledge and bookish knowledge. (b) ---often they are thought to be the same. (c) ---a man is educated in the truest sense, he will be able to lead a life completely different from others. (d) --he can distinguish between right and wrong. (e)---Education is very important.
Answer: (a) Undoubtedly/In fact; (b) But; (c) If/When; (d) Besides/Therefore; (e) So/Thus.

3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Cumilla Board-2015]
Once upon a time, there lived a fox (a) ---was very clever. He lived in a jungle in a very hot country (b) ---Bangladesh. One day, (c) ---Mr Fox was walking through the jungle, he fell into a trap. After trying very hard he could get out of the trap (d) ---lost his tail. Without his tail, Mr Fox looked very strange (e) ---he felt very sad and ashamed.
Answer: (a) which/that; (b) like; (c) while; (d) but; (e) as well as/and/and so/for which.

4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board- 2015; Dhaka Board-2024]
It is known to all that gold is a valuable metal. (a) ---, there are many metals cheaper than gold though they look like it. (b)--- they glitter for sometime, they fade away in the long run. In our society there are also many people (c)--- are outwardly very gentle and polished. Later on, their real identity is revealed (d)---they do not exercise moral values. That's why, people say, "All (e)---glitters is not gold" 
Answer: a) Obviously/ Of course; b) Though; c) who; d) as: e) that.

5. Complete the passage with suitable connectors. [Chittagong Board-2015]
Women are, nowadays as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. a)--- there can be no denying the fact b)--- they too possess equal rights and duties c)--- men do. They have a noble mission to fulfil as men. d)--- they get the opportunity, their genius, powers e)--- capacities will bloom fully.
Answer: a) So; b) that; c) as; d) If; e) and.

6. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Barisal Board-2015]
A healthy man can do any work. (a) ---he can eat any food he likes. (b) ---, he can enjoy life in every way. (c) ---an unhealthy man is unhappy, for he cannot eat and do what he likes. (d) ---he lives and dies poor. He may have intelligence, merit, learning and power, but he cannot put them to use and reap their benefits. (e) ---health is the source of all happiness in life.

Answer: (a) In addition/Besides/And; (b) Moreover /Besides/So; (c) On the other hand/But/On the contrary; (d) As a result/ Consequently/Thus; (e) That is why/ Therefore/In fact/Above all/ Actually/ So.

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