A Street Beggar Paragraph

The Life of a Street Beggar

Begging is not an employment. It is a curse to any country. A street beggar is a male or female. He is usually seen to beg standing by the road side.

He / She is also seen in the railway stations, bus stands, launch and steamer ghats. He / She is a familiar figure in our country. He / She may be young or old , weak or strong, blind or lame. A street beggar looks strange with dirty and torn clothes.

All the street beggars have their own way of life and mode of approaching for alms. A street beggar tries his best to draw the sympathy of the passers - by with his peculiar voice.
A Street Beggar Paragraph
Someone takes pity on him / her and gives a coin or two and goes on his way. Again, someone becomes disgusted with his / her loud shouts and avoids him / her.

So, he / she is often scolded by people. His / Her life is full of miseries. If he / she does ot get alms he starves. Sometimes he / she begs food from some roadside hotels.

He is the most disrespectful human figure on earth. When a person has no other alternative to feed himself, he goes on the street to beg. Obviously, it is a curse for any society.

All developed countries have eradicated begging from their society. Our govt. should take necessary steps to stop begging by rehabilitating them.

[N.B. Don't space in exam script]
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