The king's mistake completing story
Once there lived a king in an island. There were green trees everywhere in the island. Once the king decided to build a magnificent palace in the island. So he ordered his men to cut down all the trees. Some opposed the king's idea but he did not pay heed to their opposition. So people were compelled to carry out the king's order. They cut down all the trees. As a result a great change took place in the climate of the island..........
Once there lived a king in an island. There were green trees everywhere in the island. Once the king decided to build a magnificent palace in the island. So he ordered his men to cut down all the trees.
Some opposed the king's idea but he did not pay heed to their opposition. So people were compelled to carry out the king's order. They cut down all the trees.
As a result, a great change took place in the climate of the island. As there was no tree left in the island, the whole environment faced a great crisis.
In the first few years, there occurred a great reduction in the rainfall in that area. And after nine or ten years, there was hardly any rainfall.
So the people of the island failed to raise any crops. The whole land area, due to drought, became dusty and sandy. Now and then, the island became subject to different kinds of natural calamities. In fact, the whole island was then a desert.
In such situation, the king of the island called his courtiers and found out the cause of this crisis. The king realised his mistake and ordered all his people to plant trees in every nook and corner of the island.