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Exclamatory to Assertive Rules

Rule-1Subject and Verb of the exclamatory sentence are to be used as the subject and verb of the assertive sentence at the outset of the sentence.

👉How/What →Replace by →Very (before adjective)/ Great (before noun)

 How fortunate Peter is!
Assertive: Peter is very fortunate.

Exclamatory: What a fool I am!
Assertive: I am a great fool.

👉Rule-2: Sometimes the subject and verb may be eclipsed.

Exclamatory: What a beautiful scenery!
Assertive: It is very a beautiful scenery.

Exclamatory: What a pity!
Assertive: It is a great pity.

👉Rule-3: Bravo /Hurrah →Replace by→ I/we rejoice that/ It is a matter of joy that.

Exclamatory: Hurrah! We have won the game.
Assertive: It is a matter of joy that we have won the game.

: Alas →Replace by →I/we Mourn that/ It is a matter of sorrow or grief that.

Exclamatory: Alas! Peter has failed.
Assertive: We mourn that Peter has failed.

👉Rule-5: Had/were/If /Would that (at the outset) → Replaced by →I wish + subject again + were/ had+ rest part.

Exclamatory: Had I the wings of a bird!
Assertive: I wish I had the wings of a bird.

Exclamatory: Were I a bird!
Assertive: I wish I were a bird.

Exclamatory: If I were young again!
Assertive: I wish I were young again.

Exclamatory: Would that I could be a child!
Assertive: I wish I could be a child again.

Exclamatory to Assertive sentence exercise

1. Exclamatory: What a beautiful garden it is!
Assertive: It is a very beautiful garden.

2. Exclamatory: How beautiful the garden is!
Assertive: The garden is very beautiful.

3. Exclamatory: Had I the wings of a dove!
Assertive: I wish I had the wings of a dove.

4. Exclamatory: What a dangerous thing a little learning is!
Assertive: A little learning is a very dangerous thing.

5. Exclamatory: How terrible the heat was!
Assertive: The heat was very terrible.

6. Exclamatory: How talkative she was!
Assertive: She was very talkative.

7. Exclamatory: What an exciting game it was!
Assertive: It was an exciting game.

8. Exclamatory: What an unhappy life he leads!
Assertive: He leads a most unhappy life.

9. Exclamatory: If I could see her once!
Assertive: I earnestly desire to see her once.

10. Exclamatory: How charming the scenery of the place is!
Assertive: The scenery of the place is very charming.

11. Exclamatory: If I were young again!/Would that I were young again!
Assertive: I wish I were young again.

12. Exclamatory: What a lucky day it was!
Assertive: It was a very lucky day.

13. Exclamatory: What a beautiful bird it is!
Assertive: It is a very beautiful bird.

14. Exclamatory: Would that I could fly in the sky!
Assertive: I wish I could fly in the sky.

15. Exclamatory: What a fool you are!
Assertive: You are a great fool.

16. Exclamatory: How fine the fob chain of Jim was!
Assertive: The fob chain of Jim was very nice.

17. Exclamatory: How fast my hair grows!
Assertive: My hair grows very fast.

18. Exclamatory: How hotly the sun shone over head!
Assertive: The sun shone very hotly overhead.

19. Exclamatory: How terrible the next few days were! 
Assertive: The next few days were very terrible.

20. Exclamatory: What a big river the Padma is!
Assertive: The Padma is a very big river.

21. Exclamatory: How sweetly the girl sings!
Assertive: The girl sings very sweetly.

22. Exclamatory: If I could go there!/Would that I could go there!
Assertive: I wish I could go there in time.

23. Exclamatory: How pathetic the sight was! 
Assertive: The sight is very pathetic.
24. Exclamatory: What a nice gift I have got for you!
Assertive: I have got a very nice gift for you.

25. Exclamatory: If I were a philosopher like Socrates!
Assertive: I wish I were a philosopher like Socrates.

26. Exclamatory: What a fool you are!
Assertive: You are a great fool.

27. Exclamatory: How talkative she was!
Assertive: She was very talkative.

28. Exclamatory: How pretty the girl is!
Assertive: The girl is very pretty.

29. Exclamatory: What a fine flower it is!
Assertive: It is a very fine flower.

30. Exclamatory: Would that we could enter the housel!
Assertive: We wish we could enter the house.

31. Exclamatory: How exciting the first day in Cox's Bazar is! 
Assertive: The first day in Cox's Bazar is very exciting.

32. Exclamatory: How sweetly the cuckoo sings!
Assertive: The cuckoo sings very sweetly.

33. Exclamatory: What a nice flower the rose is!
Assertive: The rose is a very nice flower.

34. Exclamatory: What a big river the Padma is!
Assertive: The Padma is a very big river.

35. Exclamatory: Hurrah! we have won the match.
Assertive: It is a matter of joy that/we rejoice that we have won the match.

36. Exclamatory: Hurrah! we are victorious.
Assertive: It is a matter of joy that/we rejoice that we are victorious.

37. Exclamatory: Alas! I am undone.
Assertive: It is a matter of sorrow that I am undone.

38. Exclamatory: What a lovely place it is!
Assertive: It is a very lovely place.

39. Exclamatory: How beautiful the youngest sister was!
Assertive: The youngest sister was very beautiful.
40. Exclamatory: If I could be a child again!
Assertive: I wish I could be a.child again.

41. Exclamatory: Had I been a merchant!
Assertive: I wish I had been a merchant.

42. Exclamatory: What a beautiful bird it is! 
Assertive: It is a very beautiful bird.

43. Exclamatory: How fortunate the porter was!
Assertive: The porter was very fortunate.

44. Exclamatory: Had I possessed a lot of wealth!
Assertive: I wish I had possessed a lot of wealth.

45. Exclamatory: How charming is the first meal in a strange town!
Assertive: The first meal in a strange town is very charming.

46. Exclamatory: How charming still is Italy!
Assertive: Italy is still very charming.

47. Exclamatory: How time does fly!
Assertive: Time flies very fast.

48. Exclamatory: How deep her love for Selim was!
Assertive: Her love for Selim was very deep.

49. Exclamatory: What a wonderful scenery it is!
Assertive: It is a very wonderful scenery.

50. Exclamatory: If I were a millionaire!
Assertive: I wish I were a millionaire.
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