Important Rearrange for HSC
1. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) All the servants were called and interrogated.
(ii) In order to find out the thief, the judge chalked out an intelligent plan.
(iii) Once a gold necklace was lost from a rich man's house.
(iv) The servants were summoned to the court but they denied having stolen the necklace.
(v) When the servants came to the court the next day, the thief had already cut off an inch of his stick.
(vi) But nobody confessed their guilt.
(vii) So the owner of the house lodged a complaint in the court.
(viii) The judge found one of the sticks shorter than the others and in this way he could easily catch the thief.
(ix) Naturally it was suspected that one of the servants had stolen the necklace.
(x) He gave each of the suspects a stick of equal length and said that one of the sticks would increase by an inch the next day.
Answer-1: (iii) →(ix) →(i) →(vi) →(vii) →(iv) →(ii) →(x)→(v)→(viii)
2. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The king was fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.
(b) The king called him to the palace.
(c) At this, the king got furious and condemned him to death.
(d) A good astrologer visited the capital of the king.
(e) Once there was a king.
(f) With ready wit he said, “The stars declare that I'll die only a week before your death.”
(g) But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for execution.
(h) The king then asked, “How long would you like to live?”
(i) The astrologer told something very unpleasant.
(j) He then thought for a while some ways of escape.
Answer-2: e→a →d→b→i→c→g→h→ j→f
Rearrange suggestion for HSC
3. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) The last words of the speech are: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”
(ii) Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States of America.
(iii) On the 10th of November 1863, a railway train was carrying him to a place called Gettysburg.
(iv) It is one of the finest and shortest speeches in English language.
(v) He was going there to speak at a meeting.
(vi) On the envelope, it was what he was going to say at the meeting.
(vii) These words tell us what the best possible way of ruling a country is.
(viii) He was not writing on a paper, but on the back of an envelope.
(ix) In the train, he was busy with writing something.
(x) In fact, the speech on the envelope is now famous as “Gettysburg Address.”
Answer-3: ii + iii + v + ix + viii + vi + x + iv + i + vii
4. Rearrange them in a proper sequences.
a) In 1880, Rabindranath was called back to India.
b) He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913 for Gitanjali.
c) He returned home without any qualification of distinction.
d) He wrote Gitanjali, a collection of Bengali songs of superior quality.
e) Rabindranath Tagore was born in 1861 into a respectable family at Jorasanko in Kolkata.
f) At the age of seventeen, in 1878, he reached London to attend school.
g) He went to school early and wrote his first verse at the age of eight.
h) The experience had a lasting effect on his later life.
i) However, he never gave up his habit of writing poetry.
j) He gathered much experience from his stay in London.
Answer-4: e→g→f→j →h→a→ c→i→d→b
5. Rearrange them in a proper sequence.
a) They were aliens in their own country and were subjected to all sorts of indignities.
b) The blacks were treated cruelly.
c) The great leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice.
d) They were denied all basic human rights.
e) Even dogs received much better treatment than the blacks.
f) Eventually, the great leader realized the goal of liberating his own people.
g) He was thrown behind the prison bar.
h) Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa.
i) But the oppressive rulers could not break the spirit.
j) In fact, he was one of the greatest leaders of the world who struggled against apartheid throughout his whole life.
Answer-5: h→j→b→d→a→e→c→g→i→f
6. Rearrange the sentences to make a coherent order:
a) Then he invited applicants.
b) The applicants were asked to meet the Sultan one by one.
c) Long ago, there lived a Sultan in a country.
d) Then he found the desired man.
e) He wanted to appoint an honest man as his tax collector.
f) A number of people applied for the job.
g) All the applicants blushed and refused to accept one.
h) So, he asked for the wise counselor’s advice.
i) When they all arrived, Sultan asked them to dance.
j) They came through a passage where gold coins were kept.
Answer-6: c→e→h→a→f→b→j→i→g→d
7. Rearrange them in a proper sequence.
a) One prize is awarded in each field.
b) The prize is instituted by a man who was the inventor of the science of destruction.
c) Nobel prize is the world’s most important prize.
d) He is Alfred Bernard Nobel.
e) Though he is a citizen of Sweden, he was educated in Russia.
f) Nobel prizes are awarded every one for outstanding achievements in the field of science, literature and for performing world’s peace.
g) The prize is given to persons with the most outstanding contribution.
h) If there are more than one recipient of the prize in one field, the prize money is equally distributed among all the winners.
i) Economics was added in the list in 1969 for the first time.
j) He was born in Stockholm on 21st October 1833 and he died on 10th December 1896.
Answer-7: c→b→d→j→e→f→i→g→a→h
8. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in a proper sequence.
a) He was one of the most renowned linguists of Bangladesh.
b) He died in 1969 and we remember him with respect.
c) He was second to none in Bengali Language and literature.
d) Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was born in 24 Pogona, West Bengal in 1885.
e) He joined Jessore Zilla School in 1910.
f) He passed the entrance and FA exam, in 1904 and 1906.
g) He received some awards and contributed much to Bengali Literature.
h) He passed Hons and M. A. in 1910 and 1912.
i) He joined Dhaka University as a lecturer of Bengali in 1921.
j) He got his Ph.D. in 1928.
Answer-8: d→a→f→e→h→i→j→c→g→b
9. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order:
a) “Please let me go to my country.”
b) An English boy was making a small boat.
c) “I shall cross the sea and go to my country by this boat.”
d) He made all arrangements to send him to his country.
e) Suddenly he noticed a wonderful thing.
f) Napoleon was charmed by the words of the small boy.
g) “I haven’t seen my mother for a long time.”
h) The boy said, “My country is on the other side of the sea.”
i) One day Napoleon, the king of France, was walking along the seashore.
j) The boy was brought before him and he asked him what he would do with such a small boat.
Answer-9: i→e→b→j→h→c→g→a→f→d
10. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) This dauntless spider climbed the ceiling after some unsuccessful attempts, inspiring Bruce to shake off the darkness of despair.
(ii) The enemies were defeated and Bruce regained his kingdom.
(iii) The spider failed again and again to succeed, but did not give up hope.
(iv) Once, Bruce was lying in the cave and saw a spider trying hard to reach the ceiling.
(v) He gathered an army of strong men and attacked his enemies.
(vi) The king fought bravely but lost the battle.
(vii) Robert Bruce was a famous king.
(viii) He had to flee from his kingdom and took shelter in a remote cave to save his life.
(ix) Enemies invaded his kingdom.
(x) The king was always in a gloomy state for his unhappy condition.
11. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) The roast looked so delicious that the cook could not check his temptation.
(ii) The cook was very stubborn.
(iii) The master was not to be fooled so easily.
(iv) The cook replied that it was a one-legged duck.
(v) Once, a cook roasted a duck for his master. (vi) The master came to have his meal and noticed one of the legs missing.
(vii) So he ate up one of the drumsticks.
(viii) He said that there was no one-legged duck. (ix) He asserted that this duck had only one leg. (x) He asked what had happened to the other leg.
Answer-11: v→i→vii→ vi →x → iv→ iii →viii →ii →ix
12. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) The grocer sent his son with the fruit-seller.
(ii) “Just the same way as mice can eat away the balance and weights,” said the fruit-seller.
(iii) Then one day, the fruit-seller said to the grocer, “I am going to the town to do some shopping. Please send your son with me to carry my things.”
(iv) “You liar, how can a crow carry away such a big boy?” the grocer shouted angrily.
(v) After a few days, when the fruit-seller asked the grocer to return his balance and weights, the grocer said, “The mice ate away your balance and weights. So I can't return them.”
(vi) The next day the fruit-seller came back alone from the town.
(vii) One day, a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruit-seller.
(viii) “Where is my son?” asked the grocer.
(ix) The lame excuse of the dishonest grocer made the fruit-seller very angry.
(x) “A crow carried your son away,” replied the fruit-seller.
Rearrange suggestion for HSC
13. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Porus came forward with his people and fought courageously, but unfortunately, he was defeated in the battle.
(b) Alexander, the conqueror of the world, once crossed the Khyber Pass and reached India.
(c) Alexander was pleased with Porus for his prompt and bold reply and allowed him to rule his country as before.
(d) “Like a king” was the reply of Porus.
(e) Then he came to the plain of the Punjab.
(f) There ruled a king called Porus.
(g) He wanted to conquer the land of Porus.
(h) Then he was taken prisoner by the soldiers of Alexander.
(i) Alexander asked him how he would like to be treated by him.
(j) He was brought before Alexander.
Answer-13: b→e→f→g→a→h→j→i→d→c
14. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
a) During the time when he was the president of America, a civil war took place over the question of slavery.
b) He rose from humble origin.
c) As a man, he was simple and kind.
d) Lincoln was born in 1809.
e) It began in 1861 and continued for more than four years and Lincoln was in favour of the slave.
f) Abraham Lincoln was among the greatest presidents of the United States of America.
g) There were many Negro slaves in America in those days.
h) Lincoln became great by dint of his own efforts and perseverance.
Answer-14: f→d→b→c→h→g→a→e
15. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He took the lions paw in his hand and removed a big throne from it.
(b) His master was very bad and inflicted heavy torture on him.
(c) Androcles was very home-sick.
(d) The lion seemed wounded as it was groaning.
(e) One day he left from his master's house and took shelter in a cave.
(f) He was caught by a slave merchant who sold him to a rich man.
(g) The lion was relieved from its pain.
(h) Once upon a time there lived a young man named Androcles.
(i) It came near Androcles and lifted its paw.
(j) In the evening a lion entered the cave.
Answer-15: h →f→b →c →e →j→d→i→a→g
16. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
a. They never thought that this shabbily dressed man would be Einstein himself.
b. He could not think that these people were there to receive him.
c. Einstein however walked the whole way from the station with a suitcase in one hand and a violin on the other hand.
d. But I assure you, I greatly enjoyed the walk.
e. Once Einstein went to Brussels at the invitation of the Queen of Belgium.
f. When he got down from the train at Brussels he saw many gorgeously dressed people present at the station.
g. The officials also expected to see somebody, who would appear to be rich and aristocratic.
h. With a smile on his face, he replied, he did not expect that your majesty.
i. When he reached the palace, the queen said to him, she sent a car for you Dr. Einstein.
j. So they went back to the Queen and informed her that the great scientist has not come by train.
Answer-16: e + f + b + g + a + j + c + i + h + d
17. Rearrange them in a proper sequence:
(a) Still challenge remained with the immortal one.
(b) Strangely enough, whenever Hercules knocked off a head of Hydra, two new ones erupted in its place.
(c) Hercules, a Greek mythical hero, was the son of Jupiter and Alemena.
(d) These huge tasks in Greek myths are called ‘The Twelve Labours of Hercules’.
(e) It had nine heads of which the middle one was said to be immortal.
(f) One of the tasks was to slay a monster called Hydra that was ravaging the country Argos.
(g) His cousin Eurestheus, the king of Mycenae, made him undergo some difficult tasks.
(h) Eventually, with the help of lolaus, his devoted servant, Hercules succeeded in burning all the heads except the ninth.
(i) However, with much effort, he buried the immoral head under a huge rock completed the task successfully.
(j) Initially Hercules started striking off its heads with his club.
Answer-17: c + g + d + f + e + j + b+ h + a + i
18. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) For example, he could supposedly calm dangerous animals and make them docile.
(ii) It was also believed that he enabled villagers to live close to forests and jungles and cultivate their lands.
(iii) The story of Gazi Pir has been preserved in folk literature as well as art and has been performed in indigenous theatre.
(iv) He was credited with many miracles.
(v) According to some stories, he also fought crocodiles who threatened the people of a region full of canals and creeks, indeed, a kind of watery jungle bordering the Bay of Bengal.
(vi) According to some myths and legends, Gazi Pir was a Muslim saint who is said to have spread Islam in the parts of Bengal close to the Sunderbans.
(vii) Because of his alert and vigilant presence, all predatory animals were said to have been kept within bounds.
(viii) Consequently, people of these regions would pray to him for protection.
(ix) He is usually depicted in paats or scroll paintings riding a fierce-looking Bengal tiger, a snake in his hand, but in no apparent danger.
(x) In fact, some Gazir paat scrolls are part of the collection of the British Museum.
Answer-18: vi + iv + i + ix + v + vii + ii + viii + iii + x
19. Rearrange them in proper sequence.
(i) One day, he was very hungry.
(ii) The grapes were too high for him to reach.
(iii) Again and again he jumped.
(iv) At last, he entered into a vineyard.
(v) Once upon a time, there lived a fox in a forest.
(vi) But each time, he failed to reach the grapes.
(vii) At last being tired, he went away saying that the grapes were sour.
(viii) He took a run and jumped to reach the bunch of grapes but could not reach it.
(ix) He searched food everywhere but he did not get any food.
(x) There were ripe grapes hanging up on the vine.
Answer-19: v + i + ix + iv + x + viii + ii + iii + vi + vii.
20. Reading Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) Being tired of ruling, he made up his mind to step down from the throne and divide his kingdom.
(ii) Goneril declared, “Sir, I love you more than I can say.”
(iii) But first, he wanted to know how much they loved him, and so, he asked his eldest daughter, “How much do you love me?”
(iv) Being satisfied, he called for the map of his kingdom and drew his finger round one-third of it.
(v) Then it was the turn of Cordelia, the youngest and most loved daughter.
(vi) Lear was shocked and said, “Nothing will come of nothing.”
(vii) When asked, his second daughter Regan said, “My love for you shall never change.”
(viii) Lear was pleased and gave her a third of his kingdom.
(ix) When asked, Cordelia said, “Nothing.”
(x) Long ago, there was a mighty old king of England named Lear who had three daughters Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.
Answer-20: x + i + iii + ii + iv + vii + viii + v + ix + vi
21. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) Socrates joined them in their laughter.
(ii) One day, the woman became more furious than ever.
(iii) She began to insult the great scholar of Greece.
(iv) He quietly remarked, “I was expecting this. I know that after thunder comes rain.”
(v) The wife found that her husband was not paying the least heed to her word.
(vi) She went up to him with a bucket full of water and poured much water on him.
(vii) Socrates went outside.
(viii) He sat on the doorstep of his residence looking out on the street.
(ix) Socrates had a wife who used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse.
(x) The passers-by in the street were much amused at the incident.
Answer-21: ix+ ii + iii + vii + viii + v + vi + x + i + iv.
22. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) The man was asking him to get down and listen to him.
(ii) Suddenly, he saw a man calling him from below.
(iii) Hojja immediately replied, “Why did you make me climb all the way down the stairs to ask for money? Couldn't you see that I was working?”
(iv) When he came down, the man said that he was a beggar and wanted some money.
(v) Hojja became furious and decided to teach him a lesson.
(vi) One day, Nasiruddin Hojja was mending a hole on the roof of his two-storied house.
(vii) So, he told the man to climb up the stairs with him.
(viii) Being curious, he climbed down from the roof and went down the stairs.
(ix) When both got to the rooftop where he was previously working, Hojja turned towards the man and said, “Sorry, I have no money, so you have to leave.”
(x) The beggar was very surprised and asked why Hojja had made him climb the stairs to say he had no money.
Answer-22: vi + ii + i + viii + iv + v + vii + ix + x + iii.
23. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) At one moment, a huge ice-berg was spotted very close to the ship and the great ship turned sharply to avoid a collision.
(b) It was April 10, 1912
(c) She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891.
(d) The Titanic was sailing for New York from Southampton of England.
(e) Four days after setting out, a great disaster happened when the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic.
(f) The Captain went down to see what had happened.
(g) So, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking down rapidly.
(h) Five of the ship's sixteen watertight compartments were totally damaged by the collision.
(i) Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below.
(j) At that time, she was the largest ship in the world built in a special way and was regarded as unsinkable.
Answer-23: b + d + c + j + e + a + i + f + h + g.
24. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order: [Jashore Board 2017]
a) He asked him where God was.
b) He praised him highly.
c) Once a lad went to a famous teacher.
d) The teacher thought highly of the boy’s understanding.
e) The lad replied that he would answer if he would tell where he is not.
f) The boy devoted himself to earning knowledge.
g) He begged to instruct him in the arts and sciences.
h) He agreed to teach the lad.
i) He had expressed his desire to acquire knowledge.
j) The teacher wished to find out the ability of the boy.
Answer-24: c→i→g→j→a→e→d→b→h
25. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) His friends and disciples could not bear the sight.
(ii) The cup contained hemlock, a deadly poison.
(iii) At last, the hour of departure had arrived and Socrates met his friends and disciples for the last time.
(iv) They burst into tears and cried loudly like children.
(v) He asked them to let him die in peace.
(vi) At sunset, the Governor of the prison came.(vii) Then there came a man with a cup in hand.(viii) He argued with them about the immortality of the soul.
(ix) He told them that the soul of man cannot die.(x) Socrates took the cup in his hand, said his prayer and drank the hemlock without any hesitation.
Answer-25: iii + viii + ix + vi + vii + ii + x + i + iv + v.
26. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) He earned a lot of money from his dynamite business.
(ii) In 1850, Alfred joined his father's company.
(iii) This award was named after Alfred Nobel.
(iv) Dr Alfred Nobel was born on 21st October, 1833 at Stockholm, Sweden.
(v) He had ammunition business at Leningrad.(vi) He undertook a plan to give an award for encouraging the creative work.
(vii) His father Emanuel Nobel was an architect and researcher.
(viii) After some years, Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.
(ix) The prize is given every year.
(x) So, it was called the ‘Nobel Prize.’
Answer-26: iv + vii + v + ii + viii + i + vi + iii + x + ix.
27. Rearrange them in a proper sequence.
(i) During his stay, he received an unpaid letter from his friend, which contained nothing but some words.
(ii) With a great hope in mind, he opened the box.
(iii) He wanted to teach his friend a good lesson. (iv) An English poet was staying in Italy for the benefit of his health.
(v) To his utter surprise, he found nothing but an ordinary stone.
(vi) Thus, the poet taught his friend a good lesson.
(vii) So, he procured a heavy stone and packed it up in a fine box.
(viii) His friend thought that the contents of the parcel were valuable, so, he paid the heavy charge for carrying.
(ix) The poet had to pay double postage, so, he became very annoyed.
(x) Then he sent it to his friend with the words on it “Carriage to be paid on delivery”.
Answer-27: iv + i + ix + iii + vii + x + viii + ii + v + vi.
28. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The banker said, “I’ll put an end to your toiling”
b. One day the banker asked the cobber, “how much a year do you earn?”
c. He took the money, hurried back home and buried it in the earth alas! He buried his happened with it too.
d. There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working singing from morning till night.
e. The cobbler replied, “How much a year sir?”
f. Take this money and keep them carefully and use in time of need.”
g. He had a rich neighbor who was a banker.
h. I have never counted that way.
i. The cobbler had never seen so much money at a time in his life before.
j. As you can see, “i live from hand to mouth but somehow I manage to have three meals everyday and I am happy.”
Answer-28: d + g + b + e + h + j + a + f + i + c
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