Important Foreign Phrase For Competitive Exam
1. A.D. (Anno Domini) ___ From the beginning
2. Amicus curiae __ Friend of the court
3. Bon voyage __ Wish a good trip
4. C.V. (Curriculum Vitae) ___ Brief account of one's education
5. Cul-de-sac ___ Dead end
6. Debut ___ First appearances
7. Bona fides ___ Good faith
8. B. C. (Before Christ) ___ Before the birth of Jesus Christ
9. De facto ___ In fact
10. De jure ___ In law
11. E.G. (Exempli Gratia) ___ By way of example
12. ETC (Et Cetera) ___ And the rest
13. Habeas corpus ___ Fundamental rights of prisoners
14. I.E. (id est) ___ That it to say
15. In Re ___ In matter of
16. Laissez faire ___ Letting alone
17. Lingua franca ___ The common language
18. Magnus opus ___ Best work
19. Nouveau riche ___ New rich
20. N.B. (nota bene) ___ Take notice
21. Posthumous ____ Occurring after death
22. Prima facie ___ Atia the first sight
23. Post mortem ___ Autopsy
24. Viva Voce ___ A spoken examination
25. A.M. (Ante Meridiem) ___ Before noon
26. P.M. (Post Meridiem) ___ After midday
27. Status quo ___ The existing condition
28. Sine die ____ For an uncertain period
29. Viz ___ Namely
30. Vice versa ___ The terms being exchanged