Right form of verbs exercise with answer for HSC

1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb as per the verb and context. [Dhaka Board-2023]
Student life is the best time for (a) --- (prepare) ourself for future. It is (b) ---- (call) the seed time of life. So during this period of life students mustn't (c) --- (waste) time. The main pursuit of the students (d) ---  (be) study. They should prepare themselves for the life (e) --- (lie) ahead. They should also (f) --- (participate) in co-curricular activities. By (g) --- (read) newspaper they will know what (h) --- (happen) in the world. When the country (i) --- (face) with a natural calamity, they should (j) --- (come) forward with a view to (k) --- (remove) the sufferings of the affected people. Even in normal times they (l) --- (engage) themselves in acts of social service. The students can not do well in the examination without (m) --- (work) hard. It is a pity that many students are trying to (n) --- (succeed) in the shortest and easiest way.

Answer: (a) preparing; (b) called; (c) waste; (d) is; (e) lying; f) participate; (g) reading; (h) is happening; (i) is faced; (j) come (k) removing; (l) should engage; (m) working; (n) succeed

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb as per the verb and context. [Rajshahi Boar-2023]
If all the children (a) ---- (go) to school, the country (b) —- (get) rid of the curse of illiteracy. To boost up education, the govt. (c) --- (spend) more money. Subsidies must (d) —– (give) in the education sector. Teachers (e) --- (need) to (f) --- (train) for good teaching. The poor students can (g) --- (bring) under ‘Food for Education’ programme. We (h) --- (take) care that no institution (i) --- (close) down due to political clashes. All concerned (j) --- (be) conscious about it. If we cannot (k) --- (keep) pace with the present world, we (l) --- (lag) behind. For this we have to (m) --- (ensure) education for all and set a bright prospect for (n) --- (implement) all necessary steps.

Answer: (a) go/ went; (b) will get/ would get; (c) should spend; (d) be given; (e) need; (f) be trained; (g) be brought; (h) should take; (i) will be closed/ might be closed (j) must be/ should be; (k) keep; (l) will lag; (m) ensure; (n) implementing.

3. [Cumilla Board-2023]
Newspaper (a) --- (consider) the people’s parliament. The Newspaper (b) --- (play) a vital role in the modern Civilization. It (c) --- (call) to be the mirror of the world. We must (d) --- (develop) the habit of (e) --- (read) newspapers daily. It helps us (f) --- (acquire) knowledge, which (g) --- (be) essential for our education. Nobody (h) --- (maintain) contact with the outside world without reading the newspaper. Mere bookish knowledge (i) --- (be) not sufficient in the struggle of life. A man who (j) --- (read) newspaper daily (k) --- (be) a creature of a narrow well. Being ignorant of current topics, he cannot (l) --- (take) part in talks and discussions in enlightened society and he (m) --- (live) like a fish out of water in it. Students (n) --- (ask) for reading newspaper daily.

Answer: (a) is considered; (b) plays; (c) is called; (d) develop; (e) reading; (f) to acquire; (g) is; (h) can maintain; (i) is; (j) does not read; (k) is: (l) take; (m) can not live; (n) are asked.

4. [Mymensingh Board-2023]
Cricket (a) --- (be) a popular game. Now-a-days, people (b) --- (long) to watch it to get pleasure. Cricket (c) --- (call) a gentlemen's game too. A bond of friendship (d) --- (create) among the playing nations. The Bangladesh national cricket team is popularly (e) --- (know) as the Tigers. Our cricket team (f) --- (be) very organized. It already (g) ---  (prove) its worth in many an international match. Our cricketers (h) --- (be) capable of (i) --- (compete) with the renowned cricket teams of the world. The prestige of our country already (j) --- (go) up in the international arena; thanks to our cricket team. In spite of its renown, sometimes our cricket team (k) --- (shock) us by (l) --- (perform) poorly. Even after that, we believe, our cricketers (m)---(outshine) all other competitors in  future.  However, they (n) ---- (need) more vigorous practice to reach their goals. 

Answer: (a) is; (b) long; (c) is called; (d) is created; (e) known; (f) is; (g) has proved; (h) are; (i) competing; (j) has gone; (k) shocks; (l) performing; (m) will outshine; (n) need.

5. [Barishal Board-2023]
On 26 March, 1971, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (a) --- (declare) the independence of Bangladesh. (b) --- (follow) this declaration, a war began between the freedom-loving Bangalees and the brutal forces of West Pakistan, (c) --- (result) the independence of Bangladesh. The Pakistani Military Janta (d) --- (base) in West Pakistan (e) --- (launch) the Operation Searchlight against the unarmed people of East Pakistan (f) --- (initiate) genocide in Bangladesh. In response to the violence, members of Mukti Bahini (g) --- (start) a mass guerrilla war against the occupation forces. People from all walks of life (h) --- (respond) to the call of Bangabandhu and joined the war (i) --- (liberate) their dear motherland. The war (j) --- (continue) for about nine months. The heroic sons of the soil made the supreme sacrifices with a view to (k) --- (snatch) away the long-cherished freedom and thus (l) --- (establish) Bangladesh as an independent country in the world map. Now, it (m) --- (be) our bounden duty (n) --- (uphold) the freedom of the country.

Answer: (a) declared; (b) Following; (c) resulting; (d) based; (e) launched; (f) initiating; (g) started; (h) responded; (i) to liberate; (j) continued; (k) snatching; (l) established; (m) is; (n) to uphold.

6. [Dinajpur Board -2023]
Deforestation (a) ___ (mean) cutting down trees at random. It (b) ___ (cause) mainly by a group of dishonest people. They cut trees (c) ____ (make) profit. Ordinary people also (d) ___ (use) trees as fuel and furniture. Because of (e) ___ (cut) more and more trees, we are going (f) ___ (face) a great danger in the coming future. We (g) ___ (know) that oxygen (h) ___ (supply) by trees for animals Without (i) ___ (take) oxygen, we cannot live a single moment. If trees (j) ____ (cut) down in this way, the amount of carbon dioxide (k) ____ (increase) in the atmosphere. As a result, the heat (l) ____ (rise). It (m) ____(call) greenhouse effect. (n) ____ (enjoy) a peaceful life, we must plant more and more trees. 

Answer: (a) means; (b) is caused; (c) to make; (d) use; (e) cutting; (f) to face; (g) know; (h) is supplied; (i) taking; (j) are cut; (k) will increase; (l) will rise; (m) is called; (n) To enjoy

7. [Jashore Board-2023]
Dhaka, the world's densest and fastest growing city, (a) ____ (face) unbearable traffic jams. There (b) ____ (be) many reasons for this. The ever increasing number of vehicles and population (c) ___ (be) the main reason. During a traffic jam, people (d) ____ (has) to suffer much. They have to (e) ____ (move) inch by inch. They have to wait on roads hours after hours (f) ____ (face) unbearable sufferings. Again, the roads of Dhaka city (g) ____ (be not) spacious. Only seven percent of Dhaka city is (h) _____ (cover) by roads, compared with around 25 percent of Paris and Vienna. If anybody falls in a traffic jam, he (i) ____ (not know) when he will reach home. Sometimes, a distance of 1km (j) ____ (take) an hour to cross. Office and school goers find it very difficult (k) ____ (reach) their destination in time. Our government (l) ____  (try) heart and soul to solve this problem. Flyovers (m) ____  (build) in different places in order to control traffic jam. Besides, traffic police and sergeants (n) ____  (see) filing cases against vehicles breaking road transport rules. But still it is becoming impossible to control traffic jam. 

Answer: (a) faces; (b) are; (c) is; (d) have; (e) move; (f) facing; (g) are not; (h) covered; (i) does not know; (j) takes/can take; (k) to reach; (l) is trying; (m) are built/are being built; (n) are seen

8. [Sylhet Board-2023]
It is natural that a man cannot (a) ____ (live) alone. He always (b) ____ (need) a company. He has to (c) ____ (express) his thought and ideas, (d) ____ (think) others while the others (e) ____ (be) of the same needs. He (f) ____ (have) also the need of others for (g) ____ (ensure) their safety and comfort. So, he is bound (h) ____ (live) with others (i) ____ (make) an institution and it (j) ____ (call) society. Society (k) ____ (be) the first organization which (l) ____ (make) by our primitive ancestors. They (m) ____ (be) the first to contribute to (n) ____ (develop) the civilization.

Answer: (a) live; (b) needs; (c) express; (d) thinking; (e) are; (f) has; (g) ensuring; (h) to live; (i) to make/ making; (j) is called; (k) is; (l) was made; (m) were; (n) developing

Right form of verb board question HSC

1. [Rajshahi Board -2022]
There are many reasons for which many students of our country (a) ---- (fail) in English. That English is a foreign language is the main reason. English is as if it (b) ---- (be) a language (c) - (mean) for a particular class of people. It (d)___ (regard) as a sheer wastage of time. They (e) - (begin) to cram English as though they (f) ---- (consider) cramming is the only way to learn English. But (g) - (have) they been earnest in learning English, they could have (h) ---- (learn) it easily. Moreover, they are not (i) (motivate) properly. In addition, the textbooks (j) - (not write) according to the need of the learners.

Answer: (a) fail (b) were (c) meant (d) is regarded (e) begin (f) considered (g) had (h) learnt (i) motivated (j) are not written

2. [Jashore Board -2022]
Would you mind (a) --- (receive) my letter. I am extremely sorry for (b) ---(be) late. Had I had any message about you illness, I (c) --- (visit) you. Believe me, since my return from Australia, I have got myself (d) --- (engage) in raising awareness among people (e) --- (send) their daughters to school. In this country, girls (f) --- (deprive) of proper education and guidance. Due to lack of education, they (g) --- (not know) what they (h) --- (need). For years, they (i) --- (neglect) in society. So, they should (j) --- (teach) that they are equal to men.

Answer: a) receiving; b) being; c) would have visited; d) engaged; e) sending; f) are deprived; g) do not know; h) need; i) are neglected; j) be taught

3. [Cumilla Board -2022]
(a) --- (acquire) knowledge is not limited to any age or time. It can (b) ---(gain) by any person all through the life. It (c) --- (be) like unlimited wealth which can never (d) --- (finish). However, the level of a person's knowledge (e) --- (develop) with his dedication, patience and continuity. A person (f) --- (have) some new knowledge through regular observation and experimentation. The progress of human being largely (g) --- (depend) on the growth of knowledge in various fields in positive and constructive ways. For example, Newton (h) --- (discover) a theory of gravitation and there are many famous scientists who (i)--- (invent) amazing things (j) --- (make) life easy on the earth.

Answer: (a) Acquiring; (b) be gained; (c) is; (d) be finished; (e) develops; (f) has; (g) depended; (h) discovered; (i) have invented; (j) making

4. [Sylhet Board-2022]
COVID-19 (a) --- (transmit) when people (b)--- (breathe) in air contaminated by droplets and small airborne particles (c) --- (contain) the virus. The risk of breathing these in (d) --- (be) highest when people (e) --- (be) in close proximity, but they (f) --- (inhale) over longer distances, particularly indoors. Transmission also (g) --- (occur) if splashed or (h) --- (spray) with contaminated fluids in the eyes, nose or mouth, and rarely via contaminated surfaces. People remain contagious for up to 20 days, and (i) --- (spread) the virus eyen if they (j) ---(not develop) symptoms.

Answer: a) transmits/ is transmitted; b) breathe; c) containing; d) is; e) are; f) inhale/can inhale; g) occurs/ can occur; h) sprayed; i) may/can spread; j) don't develop

5. [Dinajpur Board-2022]
I have tried a lot of different exercises, but I have never (a) ---  (stick) with any of them. I swam for a while, but when the weather got cold, I (b) ---(quit). I tried jogging, but that really (c) --- (wear) me out. I (d) --- (play) badminton for a few weeks, but I could not find anyone (e) --- (play) with regularly. Then one day, I read in a magazine about a form of exercise that I did not even (f) --- (consider) exercise. That was plain walking! I tried it for a month, and it (g) --- (be) so easy and enjoyable that I kept (h) --- (do) it. While walking, I could enjoy the scenery, talk to people I (i) --- (meet), and come back home (j) --- (feel) great.

Answer: a) stuck; b) quit/quitted; c) wore; d) played/had been playing; e) playing/to play; f) consider; g) was; h) doing; i) met; j) feeling

HSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2019

1. [Dhaka Board-2019]
Cricket is a popular game. Both the young and the old (a) – (get) pleasure from this game. In fact, cricket (b)--- (call) the gentlemen’s game. It (c) — (entertain) us with politeness and discipline. A sense of brotherhood and fraternity (d) – (create) among the playing nations through it. At present cricket is the most popular game in Bangladesh. The English (e) — (play) it here in this subcontinent and since then it (f) – (become) an integral part of our entertainment. Our team (g) – (consist) of skilled players. They already (h) — (show) their performance in several matches. But it is a matter of sorrow that sometimes our players (i) – (play) so poorly that our countrymen (j) — (become) astonished.

Answer: (a) get (b) is called (c) entertains (d) is created (e) would play/ played (f) became/has become; g) consists; h) have shown/have showed; i) play; j) become

2. [Rajshahi Board-2019]
A poor man was once (a) — (put) in jail, although he (b) — (do) no wrong. After a long time, the king of the state (c) – (visit) the jail and the man told him that he was innocent but a case (d) – (file) against him by some of his enemies. The king (e) — (inquire) privately and (f) – (find) that it was true. He (g)--- (give) the man some money and set him free. He went straight to the market. In a shop there, wild birds (h) — (keep) in cages for sale. He said to the shopkeeper, I wish to buy all the birds of your shop. These birds unjustly (i) —(imprison) and I like to (j) — (set) them free.

Answer: (a) put (b) did (c) visited/ had visited (d) was filed (e) inquired (f) found (g) gave (h) were kept (i) imprisoned/ are imprisoned (j) set

3. [Cumilla Board-2019]
(a)--- (teach) is a noble profession. A teacher (b)---(teach) his students from the core of his heart. He teaches his students with a view to (C)--- (give) the light of education. By (d)--- (get) the light of education, students can (e)--- (enlighten) their inside. The students (f)--- (learn) their lessons now as their teachers (g)--- (instruct) them. But the students nowadays act as though they (h)--- (know) everything. They are not (i)--- (pay) heed to their teachers’ advice. But the students must be careful in their studies lest they (j)--- (fail) to secure good marks.

Answer: (a) Teaching/To teach (b) teaches/should teach (c) giving (d) getting; (e) enlighten; (f) should learn/ are learning; (g) instruct/have instructed; (h) knew (i) paying (j) should/might fail

4. [Jashore Board-2019]
Kuakata, locally (a)--- (know) as Sagar Kannya (b) --- (be) an uncommon scenic spot of Bangladesh. Kuakata (c) --- (take) its origin from the story of a ‘Kua’ or well-dug on the sea-shore. It (d) -- (allow) a visitor to watch both the sunrise and the sunset from the beach. The beach (e) --- (have) a typical natural setting. This sandy beach (f)--- (slope) gently into the Bay and (g) (bathe) there is as pleasant as is swimming or diving. Fishing boats (h)--- (ply) in the Bay of Bengal and (i)--- (surf) waves add to the vibrant colours of Kuakata. Steps (j)--- (take) to preserve the beauty of the famous beach.

Answer(a) known (b) is (c) takes/took/has taken (d) allows (e) has (f) slopes (g) bathing (h) plying (i) surfing (j) should be taken/ought to be taken

5. [Dhaka Board-2022; Sylhet Board-2019]
When I was a child I (a)--- (be) afraid of the dark, and I (b)--- (go) to sleep with a light on. Even then, I feared that monsters (c)--- (climb) in through my bedroom window. Every sound I (d)--- (hear) struck fear into me. Often, I ran away from the room and (e)--- (sleep) on the floor at the foot of my parent's bed. Now that I (f) --- (be) almost twenty, I obviously do better than what I (g)--- (do) Idol as a child. However, I (h)--- (be) still scared of bedtime. I hate (i)--- (sleep) alone, and I still keep a tiny night-light on. And before I go to bed, I double-check every door and every window to make sure that they (j)--- (be) locked.

Answer: (a) was (b) went (c) would climb (d) heard (e) slept (f) am (g) did (h) am (i) sleeping (j) are
Right form of verbs exercise with answer for HSC
6. [Chattogram Board-2019]
Man is a social and rational being. He (a)--- (have) freedom of choice, thought and expression. But everybody should (b) – (consider) that he is not the only person in a society. There (c)--- (be) many persons in the society and they (d)--- (have) the same right that one (e)--- (expect) from one’s society. So, to (f) --- (form) a peaceful society one should be watchful to see that other’s rights are not violated. Every citizen must (g)--- (cultivate) the habit of obeying the rules and regulations of the society. Selfishness (h)--- (not help) the society. Rather it (i)--- (destroy) the peace and happiness of others. So, we all (j)--- (think) of the greater interest of the society.

Answer: (a) has (b) consider (c) are (d) have (e) expects (f) form (g) cultivate (h) does not help (i) destroys/will destroy (j) should think

HSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2018

1. [HSC Exam-Ka Set-2018]
If all the children of Bangladesh (a)--- (go) to school, the country (b)--- (get) rid of the curse of illiteracy. To boost up education, the government (c)--- (spend) more money. Subsidies must (d)--- (give) in the education sector. Teachers (e)--- (need) to (f)--- (train) for good teaching. The poor students can (g) — (bring) under “Food for Education” programme. We (h)--- (take) care that no institution (i)--- (close) down due to political clashes. All concerned (j)--- (be) conscious about it.

Answer: (a) go (b) will get (c) should spend (d) be given (e) need (f) be trained (g) be brought (h) must take (i) will be closed/ might be closed (j) must be/ should be

2. [HSC Exam-Kha Set-2018]
Trees contribute a lot to maintain ecological balance. A month-long tree fair (a) — (begin) in Kurigram stadium recently. It (b) — (organize) by the local administration and the Department of Social Forestation. The fair (c) — (inaugurate) yesterday by the DC of Kurigram. It was also addressed by other speakers who (d) — (emphasize) the need for planting more trees. The chief guest in his speech (e) — (put) importance on planting trees so that we (f) — (save) our environment from other effects of climate change and natural disasters. A huge procession (g) — (parade) through the streets of the town after the inaugural session. Various government and non-government organizations (h) — (set) up stalls displaying saplings of different varieties. Cultural functions (i) — (arrange) every night (j) — (inspire) people to plant trees.

Answer: (a) has begun (b) has been organized/ is organised (c) was inaugurated (d) emphasized (e) put (f) could/ might save (g) was paraded/ paraded (h) have set/ set (i) are arranged (j) to inspire/ inspiring

Right form of verb Board question with answer HSC

1. [Dhaka Board-2017; Barishal Board-2022]
Road mishap (a) — (happen) in our country almost every day. Recently it (b) — (rise) to an alarming rate (c) — (take) a heavy toll on human lives. The members of a family remain anxious if someone (d) — (travel) in a bus. In most cases, reckless driving (e) — (cause) road accidents. The drivers are in the habit of (f) — (violate) traffic rules. Road accidents can be (g) — (lessen) if the drivers drive their vehicles carefully. People should be conscious in this respect. While (h) — (cross) the road, they should be careful. Some people travel (i) — (climb) on the roof of the buses and trains. Traffic rules must be maintained strictly with a view to (j) — (control) road accidents.

Answer: (a) happens (b) has risen (c) taking (d) travels (e) causes (f) violating (g) lessened (h) crossing (i) climbing (j) controlling

2. [Rajshahi Board-2017]
It has been over three hundred years since emperor Shah Jahan of Delhi (a) — (build) the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife in Agra. Architecturally, it (b) — (be) one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The building (c) — (make) of fine white marble with inlays of coloured marble. It (d) — (have) eight sides and many open arches. It (e) — (rest) on a platform of a terrace of red sandstone. Four slender white towers (f) — (rise) from the corners of the terrace. A large dome (g) — (stand) above the centre of the building. Around this large dome there (h) — (be) four smaller domes. Just inside the outer walls, there is an open corridor from which the visitors (i) — (look) through carved marble screens into a central room. The bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz (j) — (lie) in two graves below this room.

Answer: (a) built (b) is c) is/ was made (d) has (e)  rises (f) have risen/ rise (g) stands (h) are (i) look/can look (j) lie
3. [Cumilla Board-2017]
English (a) — (be) the most widely used international language. It (b) — (learn) to communicate with the foreigners for various purposes such as (c) — (maintain) co-operation, co-existence and exchanging business information. There are also certain jobs which (d) — (require) good functional knowledge of English. The jobs of a pilot, a postman, a telephone operator, a tour guide, a mechanic, a receptionist of an international hotel, an executive of a multinational firm, etc. (e) — (be) a few of them. Besides, a student (f) — (wish) to go for higher studies must learn English because the books on advanced education are mostly (g) — (write) in English. So, the importance and demand of learning English in our country can, in no way, be (h) — (ignore). Rather, we should (i) — (put) high importance on (j) — (learn) English to make room for ourselves in the competitive world.

Answer: (a) is (b) is learnt (c) maintaining (d) require (e) are (f) wishing (g) written (h) ignored (i) put (j) learning

4. [Jashore Board-2017; Dinajpur Board-2019; Mymensingh Board-2022]
Most of the people who (a) — (appear) most often and most gloriously in the pages of history (b) — (be) great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really (c) — (help) civilization forward are often never (d) — (mention) at all. We do not know who first (e) — (set) a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat or (f) — (calculate) the length of a year, but we (g) — (know) all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in great cities of the world you (h) — (find) figures of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think that most people (i) — (believe) that the greatest countries are those that (j) —(beat) in the battle the greatest number of countries and ruled over them as conquerors.

Answer: (a) appear (b) are (c) help (d) mentioned (e) set (f) calculated (g) know (h) can/may/will find (i) believe (j) beat

5. [Sylhet Board-2017]
Jerry is an orphan. He (a) — (come) to the orphanage at the age of four. He (b) — (lose) his parents in his infancy. Then, he (c) — (commit) to the care of the orphanage. He could hardly (d) — (recollect) his parents’ memory. In spite of (e) — (be) an orphan, he had developed a strong fabric of morality. His inimitable morality (f) — (draw) him close to the writer. The writer (g) — (impress) with him. She started (h) — (show) affection for him. Jerry (i) — (take) her for his mother. He fabricated a lie (j) — (win) her heart.

Answer: (a) came (b) lost (c) was committed (d) recollect (e) being (f) drew/ had drawn (g) was impressed (h) showing (i) took (j) to win

6. [Barishal Board-2017]
Air (a) — (be) an important element of the environment. But it is constantly being (b) — (pollute) in many ways. We make a fire to cook food and (c) — (do) many works. This fire emits smoke which (d) — (contaminate) air. Vehicles pollute air to a great extent by (e) — (burn) fuel. Air pollution also (f) — (happen) when coal and oil (g) — (burn). Mills and factories can be (h) — (hold) responsible for this pollution. It is high time we (i) — (check) air pollution. Otherwise, we (j) — (suffer) a lot.

Answer: (a) is (b) polluted (c) do (d) contaminates (e) burning (f) happens (g) are burnt (h) held (i) checked (j) will suffer

7. [Chattogram Board-2017]
The Liberation War of Bangladesh inspired many artists, singers and cultural activists. Eminent artiste Shaheen Samad (a) — (join) Bangladesh Mukti Sangrami Shilpi Sangstha during the Liberation War. She along with others (b) — (inspire) millions with her voice (c) — (raise) funds for the refugee camps. The cultural troupe used to (d) — (travel) to refugee camps and different areas in Mukta’ Anchal. They (e) — (perform) patriotic songs and arranged puppet shows, besides, (f) — (stage) dramas. Shaheen Samad said, “Liberation War always (g) — (be) an inspiration for me.” She sang a lot of songs during that time and now (h) — (feel) honoured to have been able to inspire the freedom fighters. She has the memorable harmonium with which she sang in 1971. Now she (i) — (wish) to hand it over to Liberation War Museum. This eminent artist wants a live performance of those moving songs on TV channel, at least one song in a week and thus (j) — (cover) all the year-round.

Answer: (a) joined (b) inspired/ inspiring (c) raised/to raise (d) travel (e) performed (f) staged/ staging (g) is/ has been (h) feels (i) wishes j) covers/ will covers

8. [Dinajpur Board-2017]
In the last autumn vacation I (a) — (get) sufficient time. So I (b) — (make) up my mind to make a journey by Dhaka to Chattogram. I (c) — (reach) the station about half an hour before the departure of the train. It (d) — (be) then a very busy time. Rickshaw, motorcars and other vehicles (e) — (come) to the station with passengers. Coolies (f) — (run) behind them. There (g) — (be) shouts and rush of the passengers and the coolies. After some time hearing a whistle, the passengers (h) — (stand) in a queue before the ticket counter. I also (i) — (stand) in the line and (j) — (buy) a second class ticket.

Answer: (a) got (b) made (c) reached (d) was (e) came/ were coming (f) ran/ were running (g) were (h) stood (i) stood (j) bought

Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb given in the bracket

1. [Dhaka Board-2016]
Football is a favourite game in our country. It (a) — (arrange) between two teams (b) — (contain) eleven players each. The captains of both teams (c) — (lead) their groups. This is the most exciting and enjoyable game ever (d) — (play) across the world. It (e) — (run) for an hour and a half with an interval after half of the time (f) — (be) over. Any football tournament (g) — (arrange) between two strong teams can be exciting. The result (h) — (remain) almost unpredictable till the end because any team might win the other team (i) — (score) a goal within seconds. The referee is to see whether rules and order (j) — (maintain) by the players.

Answer: (a) is arranged (b) containing (c) lead (d) played/been played (e) runs (f) is (g) arranged (h) remains (i) scoring (j) are maintained/ is maintained/are being maintained

2. [Rajshahi Board-2016; Barishal Board-2019]
Once there (a) — (live) an idle king. He (b) — (not undergo) physical labour. As a result, he (c) — (get) bulky and could not move from one place to another. He (d) — (call) in a doctor. The doctor (e) — (be) clever and wise. He did not (f) — (prescribe) any medicine for the king. He asked the king to buy a club and (g) — (move) it in the air till his hands (h) — (get) moistened. The king started (i) — (follow) the prescription. Thus, the king (j) — (relieve) of his problem.

Answer: (a) lived (b) did not undergo (c) got (d) called (e) was (f) prescribe (g) move (h) got (i) to follow/ following (j) was relieved

3. [Cumilla Board-2016; Chattogram Board-2022]
Parents (a) — (be) blessings of God to us. When a child (b) — (bear), their joys (c) — (know) no bounds. They (d) — (start) (e) — (think) of (f) — (nurse) and (g) — (bring) up their children. They (h) — (remain) safe under the custody of their parents since birth. Parents never mind (i) — (take) pains for the upbringing of their offspring. We (j) — never (offend) our parents.

Answer: a) are (b) is born (c) know (d) start (e) thinking (f) nursing (g) bringing (h) remain (i) taking (j) should (never) offend

4. [Jashore Board-2016]
An idle brain is a devil’s workshop. If we (a) — (waste) our time in idleness, all sorts of evil thoughts will crowd in our brain. Idle persons who (b) — (kill) their time are burdens of society. They (c) — (sit) idle and cherish no high ideal and lofty ambition in life. They (d) — (not support) themselves. They (e) — (lead) an unhappy life and (f) — (suffer) in the long run. There should be time for reading, for office or other work, time for physical exercise, time for recreation and time for prayer. This (g) — (indicate) that we should do everything at the right moment. We (h) — (lead) a healthy and prosperous life only when we (i) — (follow) the routine which we (j) — (make) for our guidance.

Answer: (a) waste (b) kill/are killing (c) sit (d) do not/ cannot support (e) lead/will lead (f) suffer/ have to/will/may/can suffer (g) indicates (h) will /may/can/shall lead (i) follow/ will/shall/should can follow (j) make/ have made/will make

5. [Sylhet Board-2016]
One night the entire village was sleeping. The boy Bayazid Bustami was busy in the study. His mother (a) — (sleep). Suddenly she woke up and (b) — (feel) thirsty. (c) — (call) her son, she told her son to give her a glass of water and (d) — (fall) asleep again. So, he went out with the pitcher in search of water. After a while, he (f) — (come) back home with water and found his mother (g) — (sleep). Then he waited (h) — (stand) by her bed with a glass of water. He did not make any sound lest she (i) —(wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke up and saw him with a glass of water. At once she (j) —(understand) what was the matter. 

Answer: (a) was sleeping (b) felt (c) Calling (d) fell (e) found (f) came (g) sleeping (h) standing (i) should wake (j) understood/could understood

6. [Barishal Board-2016]
There are many people who (a) — (not take) physical exercise. They can hardly (b) — (realize) that they themselves (c) — (ruin) their health. They (d) — (fall) victim to many diseases. Life (e) — (become) dull to them. They (f) — (remain) always ill-tempered. We (g) — (build) good health and sound mind through physical exercise. Physical exercise (h) — (make) our body active and the muscles strong. It also (i) — (improve) our power of digestion and blood circulation. It (j) — (give) strength to our brain.

Answer: (a) do not take (b) realize (c) ruin/are ruining (d) fall/may fall (e) becomes (f) remain (g) can build/should build (h) makes (i) improves (j) gives

7. [Chattogram Board-2016]
To err is human. If a man commits a crime anytime and repents truly for his misdeed, he may (a) — (forgive). But the man who (b) — (not, give up) the wrong, (c) — (suffer) surely. In the long run, he (d) — (will take) to the land of death. The old sailor (e) — (be) a wrong-doer in his long journey. He committed a crime (f) — (kill) a sea bird (g) — (call) Albatross. That crime ultimately (h) — (bring) bad luck to them. The ship (i) —(leave) in the icy sea. The sun shone over their head. The wind (j) — (drop) down. It was a great disaster.

Answer: (a) be forgiven (b) does not give up/will not give up (c) suffers/will suffer (d) will be taken (e) was/had been (f) killing (g) called (h) brought (i) was left (j) dropped

8. [Dinajpur Board-2016]
Many events of great importance (a) — (take) place during the last century. Significant advances (b) — (make) in the field of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) — (gain) independence. The movement for democracy (d) — (become) prominent in many parts of the world. Two World Wars (e) — (break) out in this century. It also (f) — (witness) the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (g) — (destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) — (become) a momentous event. After a bloody war of nine months Bangladesh (i) — (bear). Now we (i) — (hold) our heads high in the community of nations.

Answer: (a) took/have taken (b) were made/have been made (c) gained/have gained (d) became/has become (e) broke (f) witnessed/has witnessed (g) destroyed (h) became/has become (i) was born (j) hold/can hold

HSC correct form of verbs

1. I (a)--- (be) a second year college student and my annual exam (b)--- (be) close at hand. I (c)--- (need) to study a lot. However, conditions at my house (d)--- (be) not at all favourable. My elder sister (e)--- (get) married last month and since then her share of the household chores has (f)--- (fall) upon my shoulders. On top of that, my aunt has just (g)---  (have) a new baby boy. He (h) (scream) all the time and keeps everyone up late into the night. I'm really worried about my (i)---  (come) exams. Tell me, what should I (j)--- (do)?

Answer: (a) am; (b) is; (c) need; (d) are; (e) got; (f) fallen; (g) had; (h) screams; (i) coming; (j) do.

2. Gaji Pir was a Muslim saint who (a)---(say) to have spread Islam in the parts of Bengal close to the Sunderbans. He (b)--- (credit) with many miracles. He (c)--- (depict) in Paats or scroll. According to some stories he fought with many crocodiles by which people of that region (d)--- (threaten). Because of his vigilant presence all predatory animals were said to (e)---(keep) within bounds. It (f)--- (believe) that he (g)--- (enable) people to live there in peace. So people (h)--- (pray) to him for protection. The story of Gaji Pir (i)---(preserve) in folk literature as well as art and (j)--- (perform) in indigenous theater.

Answer: (a) is said; (b) was credited; (c) is depicted; (d) were threatened; (e) be kept; (f) is believed; (g) enabled; (h) prayed; (i) has been preserved; (j) has been performed.

3The existence of human life on the earth (a) ---(be) very sort. Within this short span of time, a man has (b) ---(occupy)  the place  in the  heart of others (c) ---(perform) some splendid tasks for the humanity. If he (d) ---(be) derailed from this path, he is sure (e) ---(sink) into oblivion. It is a matter of sorrow that most of the people in the name of (f) ---(to get) prosperity (g) ---(forget) their responsibilities to the fellow-beings not (h) ---(think) about negative reward in the future. This is (i) ---(call) selfishness that (j) ---(make) one's heart narrow.

Answer: (a) is; (b) to occupy; (c) performing; (d) is; (e) to sink; (f) getting; (g) forget; (h) thinking; (i) called; (j) makes.

4. For three years now Dhaka (a)--- (rank) 2nd from bottom in the Economic Intelligence Unit’s survey of 140 cities under The Global Liability Index. The scores (b)--- (base) on five major criteria health care, culture, environment, education and infrastructure. That Dhaka tops only Damascus (c)--- (be) no comfort for the million residents of Dhaka. However, we are not altogether (d)--- (surprise) by the results; we (e)---(downgrade) our environment by its systematic destruction. There is a lack of proper public transportation and the horrendous traffic system and poor management (f)--- (cost) the GDP 1-2 percent in annual growth according to Asian Development Bank’s latest estimate. Our score of 29.2 on a scale of 100 is identical with Damascus and we (g)--- (be) aghast to learn that Dhaka (h) (lag). Damascus (i)--- (experience) siege and bombardment over the last four years whereas Dhaka (j)--- (be) at peace for over four decades since independence.

Answer: (a) has been ranked; (b) are based; (c) is; (d) surprised; (e) have downgraded; (f) costs/is costing; (g) are; (h) is lagging; (i) has experienced; (j) has been.

5. Parents and children (a) --- (constitute) a family. They (b) ---(connect) with one another by blood, love and affection. The children (c) ---(live) through the days of infancy without the loving care of their parents. It is the parents who (d) (bring) them up, nourish them, nurse them in sickness, give their proper educational help to get (e) ---(settle) in life. Parents have to (f) ---(discharge) their duties so that children (g) ---(can) prosper. But children have certain duties to (h) ---(perform) by them for (i) ---(attain) prosperity. They must (j) ---(obey) their parents.

Answer: (a) constitute; (b) are connected; (c) cannot live; (d) bring; (e) settled; (f) discharge; (g) can; (h) be performed; (i) attaining; (j) obey.

6. 21st February of the year (a)--- (observe) as the Shaheed Dibash. On this very day in 1952, many heroic souls of the soil like Salam, Jabber, Barkat, Shafique and many others (b) ---(lay) their lives (c) --(establish) 'Bangla' as the official language of the country. It is also observed as the Language Martyred Day or Shaheed Day. On this day, people (d)--- (wake) early in the morning. They put on a black badge (e) ---(mark) the day as a day of mourning for them. They walk to the Shaheed Minar on barefooted with flowers and wreaths in hands. They offer flowers and wreaths on the foot of the Shaheed Minar to show love and (f) ---(respect) to  the martyred heroes. They (g) ---(remain) standing silently for sometime. Many meetings and seminars (h) ---(hold). People also (i) ---(pray) for the salvation of the souls of the martyrs throughout the country in different religious institutions. Considering the supreme sacrifice (j) ---(make) by the martyrs, the UNESCO declared the day as The International Mother Language Day. This day is now observed throughout the world.

Answer: (a) is observed; (b) laid; (c) to establish; (d) wake up; (e) marking; (f) respect; (g) remain; (h) are held; (i) pray; (j) made.

7. One very conspicuous, change in our society (a) ---- (be) the presence of working women outside the home. Of course, it (b) -- (acknowledge) that women have always (c) - (work) within the household but this commonly (d) - (count) as 'work'. Even their roles in agricultural societies (e) - (recognize) either. From the urge (f) --- (establish) their own identity many of them are now (g) --- (enter) the outside workforce. They (h) -- (join) a wide range of professions. Moreover, it is not only educated women who (i)--- (opt) to work but women with little or no education (j) - (come) out of their cocoons to become self-reliant.

Answer: (a) is (b) has to be acknowledged (c) worked (d) is not counted (e) have not been recognized (f) to establish (g) entering (h) are joining (i) are opting (j) have come

8. There are many reasons for which many students of our country (a) ---- (fail) in English. That English is a foreign language is the main reason. English is as if it (b) ---- (be) a language (c) - (mean) for a particular class of people. It (d)___ (regard) as a sheer wastage of time. They (e) - (begin) to cram English as though they (f) ---- (consider) cramming is the only way to learn English. But (g) --- (have) they been earnest in learning English, they could have (h) ---- (learn) it easily. Moreover, they are not (i) (motivate) properly. In addition, the textbooks (j) - (not write) according to the need of the learners.

Answer: (a) fail (b) were (c) meant (d) is regarded (e) begin (f) considered (g) had (h) learnt (i) motivated (j) are not written

9. Today we (a) --- (be) a free nation. We (b) --- (have) to take great pains to gain freedom. Our war of liberation (c) -- (take) place in 1971. People of all walks of life (d) ---- (come) forward and got (e) --- (involve) in the war directly or indirectly. Many a man (f) --- (kill) in the battlefields. They (g) - (flee) from the battlefields (h) --- (show) their backs. Rather all of them (i) - (contribute) much to (j) ---- (achieve) independence.

Answer: (a) are (b) had (c) took (d) came (e) involved (f) was killed (g) did not flee (h) showing (i) contributed (j) achieve

10. Mr Mojumder (a) ---(be) an English teacher for the last 15 years. We are his students now. Earlier we (b)---(have) another teacher, Mr Sarker. We never (c)---(see) him smiling. He (d) - (not, explain) anything to others. We really (e) ---- (feel) bored in his class. However, Mr Mojumder (f)--- (change), our class with his nice attitude. Every day he (g)---(involve) us in pair work and group work, We have a presentation in English on Monday. We (h) -- (present) survey findings,on Tobacco Consumption. For the last few days we (i) ---- (work) hard for a smart presentation. My team (j)---(decide) to do a powerpoint presentation.

Answer: (a) has been (b) had (c) saw (d) did not explain (e) felt (f) has changed (g) involves (h) shall present (i) have been working (j) has decided

11. It is high time, we (a) --- (use) our brain about the curse of dowry. The issues of dowry (b)--- (have) be considered in view of a country's socio-economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c)--- (require) to put an end to violence against women. A specific framework must (d) - (draw) up to (e)--- (implement). Anyway, we can hope that dowry (f) -- (come) to an end in the time to come. We dare to(g) - (hope) so because our girls are being (h)--- (educate) day by day. Parents' mentality (i) - (change) gradually. People (j) --- (be) more conscious.

Answer: (a) used (b) have to (c) are required (d) be drawn (e) be implemented (f) will come (g) hope (h) educated (i) is being changed/is changing (j) are/are being.

12. Truth always (a) ---- (succeed) in the world. Falsehood (b) ---- (win) for the time being. Those who (c)-- (live) in the world of truth is (d)--- (respect) by all people. Those who (e)--- (get) interest in (f)--- (tell) her in life, may prosper seemingly. But they (g)---(succeed) all the time. Socrates throughout his life would (h)--- (preach) the truth. He tried (i)--- (make) people conscious what (j)---(be) good for them. 

Answer: (a) succeeds (b) wins (c) live (d) respected (e) get (f) telling (g) do not succeed (h) preach (i) to make (j) was

13. The presence of working women outside the home (a)--- (be) a very conspicuous change nowadays. Of course, it (b) --- (acknowledge) that women always (c)---- (work) within the house. This commonly not (d)---(count) as work. Even agricultural societies (e) --- (not recognize) their roles either. So, (f) --- (establish) individual identity, many of them are (g)---(enter) outside workforce now. They (h) --- (join) a wide range of professions. Not only educated women but also women with little education or no education (i)---(opt) to work and (J) ---- (come) out of their cocoons.

Answer: (a) is (b) has to be acknowledged (c) work (d) is (not) counted (e) have not recognized (f) to establish entering (h) are joining (i) are opting (j) (are) coming

14. A proverb goes that time and tide (a) --- (wait) for none. None (b)---(call) time back. A man can get back his lost money and health but (c)--- (get) back his lost time. Time once lost (d) ---- (lose) forever. So we (e)---- (make) the best use of time. We should do our work in time. If someone (f)--- (put) off his work for tomorrow, he does not get time to do it at all. There are some people who waste time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They have (g)--- (depend) on others. If we read the biography of the great men, we can realize it. They (h)--- (waste) a single moment uselessly. They (i)--- (be) very industrious from their childhood. We can prosper in life only by (j) ---- (follow) their life.

Answer: (a) wait (b) can call (c) cannot get (d) is lost (e) should make (f) puts (g) to depend (h) did not waste were (j) following

15. Tigers (a)---(know) as ferocious animals. But they hardly (b)---(kill) any animal when they are not hungry. Usually the tigers (c) ---(reside) in the deep forest. They are hardly (d)---(see) in the open unless there is a strong necessity. They often remain (e)--- (hide) under the deep green in search of the prey. Whenever they (f) -- (discern) any prospective prey, they take a.pose to (g)---(fall) upon it. Tigers often (h)---(unite) themselves to (i)---(attack) their prey from different directions. An adult tiger (j)---(devour) 20 to 30 kilograms of meat at a single meal. 

Answer: (a) are known (b) kill (c) reside (d) seen (e) hidden (f) discern (g) fall (h) unite (i) attack (j) devours

16. A mother is a supreme gift (a) --- (bestow) upon us by Allah. She (b) -- (exercise) an undeniable influence in (c) --- (mould) the character of a child and also in (d) ---- (shape) their future destiny. A mother (e)---- (regard) as the best teacher, guide and protector. An educated mother can manage the family in a far better way than any mother who has (f)---(have) no schooling. She (g) ---- (be) more interested in (h)---(get) her children educated. So it is often said that the hands that (i) ---(rock) the cradle (j)---(rule) the world.

Answer: (a) bestowed (b) exercises (c) moulding (d) shaping (e) is regarded (f) had (g) is (h) getting (i) rock (j) rake

17. My friend Bob Jones (a) --- (have) a motorcycle accident on Highway 41 yesterday. Fortunately, a passing police officer (b)---(see) him (c) ---- (lie) on the side of the road and (d) ---- (call) an ambulance: He (e) -- (take) to the nearest hospital. He (f)--- (be) fine now even though he (g)-- have) a broken leg and bruises all over. His doctor (h) ---(expect) to release him in two or three days. Bob (i)---(tell) me that he (j)-- (speed). He thinks the accident was caused by the bad condition of the road. 

Answer: (a) had (b) saw (c) lying (d) called (e) was taken (f) is (g) has (h) expects (i) told (j) had been speeding

18. Bangladesh (a) --- (be) a developing country like other third world countries. Her economic development (b)--- (depend) firstly on agriculture and secondly on the industry. Though Bangladesh is not (c) --- (develop)in industry, it (d)--- (enrich) in garment industries in the recent past years. Now garment industry (e)---(be) a promising step. It (f)---(give) the opportunity of employment, to many people. It (g)--- (make) great contribution to the development of our country; Bangladesh (h)---(export) forty thousand shirts in Germany and earns 01 million US dollar, The income from garments is (i)--- (increase) day by day. Undoubtedly, it (j)---(be) going to be the landmark for the nation.

Answer: (a) is (b) depends (c) developed (d) was enriched (e) is (f) gives/ has given (g) makes/ has made (h)exports (i) increasing (j) is

19. Macbeth is a tragedy (a) --- (write) by William Shakespeare. Macbeth (b) --- (be) the General of Scotland. He  (c) --- (fight) bravely and won the battle. While he (d) --- (return) to his castle, he (e) --- (to see) three witches talking  about him. He (f) --- (come) to know from the witches that he (g) --- (be) the king of Scotland. He became very ambitious. His wife also (h) ---- (to want) Macbeth to become the king. She was a very greedy woman. So, she (i) --- (begin) to instigate Macbeth. Then they both plotted to kill Duncan, the king. They (j) --- (plan) to kill Duncan when he (k)  --- (to come) to stay with them in their castle.  (l) --- (Take) a knife, Macbeth (m) --- (enter) the room of Duncan and (n) --- (kill) him.

Answer: a) written: b) was; c) fought; d) was returning; e) saw; f) came; g) would be; h) became; i) began; j) planned; k) would come; l) Taking; m) entered; n) killed.

20. Tolerance is a noble virtue which (a) --- (enable) us to judge the othe to judge the other side of any concept with patience without (b) --- (lose) temper. A tolerant person (c) --- (not persuade) others unless people are at the same time ready to (d) --- (accept) the ideals of that particular practice. Tolerance aims at (e) --- (keep) politeness before (f) --- (relish), in unrehearsed situation. The world has not been (g) --- (set) to one pattern nor men (h) --- (shape) in a single world. If we (i) --- (revere) the maxim of individual, universal brotherhood can be (j) --- (cheer) up in the world. What we need most today (k) --- (be) religious and political tolerance. Bangladesh (L) --- (get) a reputation for tolerance towards Rohingya refugees. Many countries of the world are engaged in bloody wars for very trivial causes. Tolerance utterly (m) --- (need) (n) --- (settle) peace in those countries.

Answer: (a) enables; (b) losing; (c) cannot persuade; (d) accept; (e) keeping; (f) relishing: (g) set; (h) are shaped; (i) revere; (j) cheered; (k) is; (l) has got; (m) is utterly needed; (n) to settle.

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    Anonymous 6:09 PM


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 9:45 AM

    Thank you 💜

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    Anonymous 11:47 AM

    very helpful. thanks a lot

  • jobairkutubi
    jobairkutubi 10:02 PM


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    Anonymous 11:19 PM

    Great job bro❤️

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